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топ 100 блогов legatus_minor07.04.2010 и Юлине. Он не так давно прошелся по утверждению Исаева о том, что Ме-262 могли сорвать высадку в Нормандии, обвинив Алексея в некомпетентности.

При этом затупил, не поняв (или сделав вид, что не понял) что именно предполагалось с помощью Ме-262 бомбить. Подсказка - это НЕ ТРАНСПОРТА никоим образом. И уж тем более не войска на берегу.

Но вот есть еще одна книжка, где высказывается та же самая мысль:

Much has been written about the delay to the Me 262 programme supposedly imposed
by Hitler's edict that initially the aircraft be used as a fighter-bomber rather than an air
defence fighter. Few commentators have considered the possibility that Hitler's edict
might have been correct in military terms, and this author believes it was. If the Allied
landings in Normandy had run into serious difficulties - as actually happened to American
troops coming ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day - repeated bombing and strafing attacks
from a few score Me 262s could have tipped the balance and changed the operation from
one that just succeeded to one that failed with heavy loss of life. If the jet aircraft were
available only in small numbers they were better employed as fighter-bombers against the
beach-head than in high-altitude jousts with Allied fighters aloof from the troops coming
ashore. Yet the point is purely academic, for in June 1944 the Me 262 was quite unready
for operations in any role.

Автор - Альфред Прайс.

Dr Alfred Price served as an aircrew officer in the RAF, specialising in
air fighting tactics. For many years a full-time historian, he has written
numerous books on aviation subjects, including The Luftwaffe Data
Hook, Battle over the Reich and Battle of Britain Day.

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