Китайские бюрократы, коммунисты, генералы про демократию

топ 100 блогов aillarionov26.09.2010

Wen Jiabao, prime-minister:
We must not only encourage institutional reform in economic life but also institutional reform in political life. Without the safeguard of political reform, ‘the fruits of economic reform would be lost and the goal of modernization would not materialize.’

Hu Shuli, China’s most outspoken and influential media entrepreneur, in New Century:
China has reached a critical moment when political reform must not be delayed. Breakthroughs in cultural and social development are impossible without political change… The pace of political reform has slowed over the past decade. Some leaders in Beijing, drunk with the success of China’s economic miracle, started to believe the myth of the system’s invincibility. They started to believe in the perverse logic that China’s economic success was proof of the political vitality of the CCP’s authoritarian grip on power. Some were lulled into a false sense of security as the idea of the ‘Beijing Consensus’ and the relative decline of Washington in the aftermath of the global financial crisis blossomed.’

The Party Committee in Shenzhen in 2008 publicly touted an audacious plan to empower the local legislative body with people directly elected to District People’s Congress. The plan sparked a nationwide excitement. Later the plan has been quietly shelved.

Southern Daily, newspaper affiliated with the Guangdong government,
urged Shenzhen to set an example for the country to follow in the arena of political reform.

Li Luoli, a former high-ranking party official in Shenzhen, in an interview with a Caixin:
The only chance, for Shenzhen to become a Special Political Zone is for risk-taking leaders like those who were there from the early days of Shenzhen’s creation to grab the initiative.

China Youth Daily:
The very essence of China’s reform policy is to free people from shackles of the state and unleash their creativity and productivity. Holders of power under the current political system are enriching themselves under the banner of reform. But ultimately these vested interests won’t hold back the tide of reform.

Qin Xiao, former Chairman of China’s Merchants Bank and a member of the National People’s Congress, in a speech at Tsinghua University:
It’s unacceptable to use pretexts ’such as nationalism and stability to smother universal values such as liberty, individual rights and democracy.

Liu Yazhou, Lieutenant General, a well-connected senior political officer with an impeccable party pedigree:
China must either embrace US-style democracy or accept Soviet-style collapse.

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