Как объяснить?

топ 100 блогов oldfisher_mk30.08.2016 Из солнечной Ирландии сообщают http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3763719/Family-five-including-three-young-brothers-dead-home-suspected-murder-suicide.html

Killed in their bedrooms: Three young boys are stabbed to death by their father after he kills their mother before turning the knife on himself

  • Two policeman made 'grim discovery' at house in Barconey, County Cavan

  • Garda said they are not looking for anyone else in relation to the incident

  • Police found bodies of Alan Hawe, his wife Clodagh and their three sons

  • He is believed to have stabbed his wife before then killing his three sons

The three boys who died in a suspected murder suicide in Ireland all appear to have been killed in their bedrooms.

Gardaí discovered their bodies when they were called to their home in Co Cavan yesterday morning. Their parents were found in downstairs rooms.

The family was named locally as school teacher Alan Hawe, wife Clodagh and sons Liam, 13, Niall, 11, and six-year-old Ryan.

Как объяснить? Teacher Alan Hawe with his sons Liam, Niall and Ryan. The three boys were found dead in the bedrooms and their father in a downstairs room following a suspected murder suicide

Teacher Alan Hawe with his sons Liam, Niall and Ryan. The three boys were found dead in the bedrooms and their father in a downstairs room following a suspected murder suicide

The discovery of their bodies was made at the property in a quiet rural area near the town of Ballyjamesduff yesterday morning.

The alarm was raised shortly before 10.45am when a relative is understood to have contacted the regional Garda Headquarters in Co Monaghan.

They are believed to have been called by staff at the school where Mr Hawe taught as he had been due to attend a meeting there yesterday morning.

Two officers arrived at the scene at the Oakdene estate, Barconey where the Hawe family lived, and soon after the grim discovery was made, a full investigation was launched.

It is believed the deaths may have occurred late on Sunday evening into the early hours of yesterday morning.

According to the Sun, it is believed police in Ireland are probing the theory that Mr Hawe stabbed his wife to death first before he then killed this three sons.

The teacher, who is well-known in the local community, is then thought to have turned the knife on himself.

Как объяснить? A family of five have been found dead in a house in the Irish midlands, gardai said

A family of five have been found dead in a house in the Irish midlands, gardai said

Как объяснить? The Irish deputy state pathologist Dr Michael Curtis arrives at the scene of the deaths in County Cavan

The Irish deputy state pathologist Dr Michael Curtis arrives at the scene of the deaths in County Cavan

Deputy State Pathologist Dr Michael Curtis arrived at the house, which remains sealed-off for technical examination.

'We believe all the answers are within that house,' Assistant Garda Commissioner John O'Driscoll told a press briefing outside Ballyjamesduff Garda Station yesterday. He said that murder suicide was the 'most likely scenario'.

Gardai said at this stage they are not looking for anyone else in relation to the deaths.

Assistant Commissioner O'Driscoll stated that while there was no evidence of a firearm being used, 'a number of objects found in the house' remain the subject to an ongoing detailed technical examination of the scene.

He said: 'Until that examination in complete we are not in a position to say the precise cause of death."

Я тут не буду всю статью копировать, она длинная...
Если коротко, на первом снимке мужик, ему за сорок, он работал учителем в небольшом Ирландском городке, а потом стал в своей школе ещё и директором...
Рядом с ним три его сына, 13, 11 и 6 лет...
Ещё у него жена была, тоже училка в школе...
Их семью знали и любили в их районе...
Материально тоже всё должно было быть очень хорошо...
В церковь ещё всей семьёй любили ходить...
Ещё мужик спортом увлекался, игры и соревнования местные судил...
По словам всех, кто их знал (а они там жили и работали уже 12 лет), семья была просто какая то идеальная...
Карьера, дети, спорт, церковь, достаток, хороший дом...
И жили в очень спокойном, по сути сельском районе Ирландии..
Там, я уверен, даже мигрантов никто в глаза не видел...
Идеальная какая то жизнь...
И вот в ночь с воскресенья на понедельник мужик сначала зарезал свою жену, потом всех троих сыновей, а потом самого себя...
До этого никто никогда никаких конфликтов с его участием не видел...
Как вот так можно с ходу отморозиться на всю голову???
Вообще без симптомов???
Там у них сейчас весь городок в глубокий шок впал, школа, церковь, соседи...
У полиции нет сомнений, что именно так всё и было, никто в их дом не заходил...
Вот как объяснить???

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