JFYI / Посмотрим что скажут за дискриминацию

топ 100 блогов torontoru20.03.2024 Когда был опубликован вот этот пост вот про эти вакансии, на которые University of Waterloo хочет взять только "women, transgender, gender-fluid, non-binary, Two-spirit, members of a racialized minority", я не поленился и зафайлил кейс в Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.

В нём обосновал, почему это является дискриминацией, и в качестве remedy попросил принудить университет пересмотреть hiring policies, выписать пилюлей причастным лицам и опубликовать извинения. Делу [пока] дали ход. Сегодня HRTO уведомил меня, что моё заявление принято к рассмотрению:

A legal proceeding has been commenced at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. The applicant names University of Waterloo as respondent to the Application.

До 24 апреля университет обязан ответить трибуналу по сути вопроса.

Кроме того, как я отписался тогда в комментах, я направил письмо также и в университет. Терпения моего ждать ответа не хватило - он пришёл уже после моего заявления в трибунал. Полный текст ответа университета (и мой краткий ответ на него) под катом, если кому-то интересно.

Thank you for your email.

The University of Waterloo is part of the Federal government’s Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP). The action plan focuses on improving the program’s governance, transparency, and monitoring of its measures and in addressing its long-standing equity, diversity, and inclusion challenges. 

Our participation in the CRC program requires us to address underrepresentation of the four federally-designated groups (FDGs)—women, persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, and members of visible minorities—within the program. We follow requirements of the CRCP [https://www.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/program-programme/equity-equite/index-eng.aspx#commitment] including the need for candidates to self-identify. All Canadian universities participating in the CRCP program are subject to the same regulations, and any penalties from the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat if they do not meet the requirements. 

Our CRC position postings are specifically designed to attract the most qualified candidates who help us fulfill the research and teaching goals of the university and our duties under the CRC program to meet and exceed federal targets for each of the underrepresented groups. Meeting these targets is a continuous process as current CRCs of all identities move on, retire, or we hire new faculty – this is why we continue to hire from specific demographic groups and why some CRC positions are restricted to scholars meeting those requirements. 

The University of Waterloo firmly believes we must include research perspectives previously lacking in academia, to truly advance our understanding of how to solve society’s most-pressing challenges. As we work towards the targets as laid out in The Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP) we will continue to hire from underrepresented groups and fulfil the university’s goal of strengthening diverse and sustainable communities here and globally. 

We share information on our website about all CRC positions we are recruiting for.

Мой ответ на их ответ остался без ответа:

>>We follow requirements of the CRCP including the need for candidates to self-identify.
This page does not contain anything that justifies discriminatory hiring practices. On the contrary, this page is about the Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP), which is committed to excellence in research and research training for the benefit of Canadians. The page also outlines the program’s equity, diversity and inclusion policies and practices, which aim to eliminate systemic barriers and ensure a more equitable, diverse and inclusive Canadian research enterprise.

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