Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman

топ 100 блогов beauty_Nikole10.11.2010 Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a WomanDavid Jacques-Louis французский живописец. Site Родился 30 августа 1748 года в Париже. С 1766 по 1774 год учился в Королевской академии живописи и скульптуры у исторического живописца Жозефа-Мари Вьена, в 1775–1780 изучал античное искусство в Риме. В 1780–1790-е годы Жак Луи Давид стал основоположником и признанным лидером так называемого революционного классицизма – направления во французском искусстве конца XVIII века, воспринявшего у рационалистической просветительской философии XVIII столетия культ разума и естественного чувства, выдвинувшего новый тип художника-борца, призванного воспитывать у зрителя высокие моральные качества и гражданские добродетели. bio
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Madame Recamier, oil on canvas, 1800, Musee du Louvre, Paris, France

This is a case where a comparison will give a good idea of how differently the same subject was handled by Jacques-Louis David and one of his numerous pupils. David started the portrait of Madame Recamier in 1800 which was never finished. (However, incidentally, this portrait helped a contemporary item of furniture to become known under her name.) When the master learned that the lady had also commissioned his pupil Gerard to paint her, he is said to have refused any further service.
In David's portrait, noble simplicity, expressed by the simple dress and the Spartan decoration, is also eloquent in the open face. This might well appear more to the modern viewer than Gйrard's version, which was judged to be more representative and flattering at the time. And comparisons with portraits of Madame Rйcamier by other artists suggest that Gйrard had achieved a better likeness than David. The Spartan severity of David's composition, the Neoclassical sparseness of the arrangement, the cool handling of the room, the distanced pose, with the lady turning her shoulder to the viewer, were all elements with which Neoclassicism had operated for long enough.
Gerard, by contrast, sets the lady in a noble park loggia, where she seems to be inviting to conversation. Her low-cut bodice is seductive, the red curtain flatters the subject and gives the flesh a rosy tint. Where David gave the beautiful woman a rather severe touch around the mouth, Gйrard embellishes her features with the hint of a gentle smile, making her look younger. By contrast, David's portrait in the antique manner looks rather forced. Perhaps these were the reasons why his painting was never finished. Madame Recamier gave Gerard's portrait of her to her admirer Prince Augustus of Prussia, a nephew of Frederick II, who had met the French beauty at the salon of Madame de Stael. For state reasons a marriage was impossible, but in the painting Madame Recamier was ever present in the palace which Schinkel furnished for the Prince in 1817.
Онлайн переводчики
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of Antoine-Laurent and Marie-Anne Lavoisier, oil on canvas, 1788,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Anne-Marie-Louise Thelusson, Comtesse de Sorcy, oil on canvas, 1790,
Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Germany
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of Madame Seriziat and her Son, oil on canvas, 1795,
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of the Countess Vilain XIIII and her Daughter, oil on canvas, 1816,
The National Gallery, London, UK
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of Marguerite-Charlotte David, oil on canvas, 1813,
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Zenaide and Charlotte Bonaparte, oil on canvas, 1821,
The J. Paul Getty Museum , Malibu, CA, USA
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of Marie-Francoise Buron, oil on canvas, 1769,
Musee National des Beaux-Arts, Algiers
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of the Marquise d'Orvilliers, oil on canvas, 1790,
Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of Genevieve Jacqueline Pecoul, oil on canvas, 1784,
Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of Countess Daru, oil on canvas, 1810
The Frick Collection, New York, USA
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
A Vestal Virgin Crowned With Flowers, oil on canvas,
The Matthiesen Gallery, New York
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Madame Trudaine, oil on canvas, 1792,
Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of Madame Adelaide Pastoret, oil on canvas, 1791-92,
The Art Institute of Chicago
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of Madame de Verninac, nee Henriette Delacroix,
Sister of Eugene Delacroix, oil on canvas, 1799,
Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
Jacques-Louis David. Portrait of a Woman
Self Portrait, oil on canvas, 1794, Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
Женский образ в живописи

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