Из жизни мессианских тел

топ 100 блогов sange_lange — 04.11.2010 Пост-бартовский образец биографического анализа пера Гершома Шолема:

(Gershom G. Scholem. Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism)

Sabbatai Zevi was physically a sick man. To some extent, this truth has been suspected before; people have talked of paranoia or hysteria. But a mass of documentary evidence now available shows that his affliction was in fact of someone different nature. He was constitutionally a maniac-depressive, that is to say he belonged to a type whose lack of mental balance displays itself in alternate fits of deepest gloom and most uncontrollable exuberance and exaggerated joy. Periods of most profound depression and melancholia constantly alternated in him with spasms of maniacal exaltation, enthusiasm and euphoria, separated by intervals of a more normal state of mind.  What is known of his character does not give the faintest indications of paranoia, but on the other hand it hardly lacks a single trait of manic-depressive psychosis as described in the standard handbooks of psychiatry. [...]
The Sabbatians later on no longer refer to these varying states of consciousness as the effects of illness. [...]
The accounts of the maniac phase, of which by far the most illuminating comes from  Sabbatai Zevi himself, supply the key to the understanding of the role which his mental affliction had in the formation of his character, for they reveal nothing less than the ideational content of his mania.
ВЫВОД: Sabbatai Zevi, the Kabballistic ascetic and devotee, feels impelled, under the influence of his maniac enthusiasm, to commit acts, which run counter to religious law.

и еще ниже...quasi-sacramental character of antinomian actions...

Какое, все-таки, фамильярное отношение к мессианскому телу.


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