Investigation into possible Buk-missile-parts

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Investigation into possible Buk-missile-parts

11 augustus 2015 - Landelijk Parket

In cooperation with the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) investigates several parts, possibly originating from a Buk surface-air-missilesystem. These parts have been secured during a previous recovery-mission in Eastern-Ukraine and are in possession of the criminal investigation team MH17 and the DSB.

The parts are of particular interest to the criminal investigation as they can possibly provide more information about who was involved in  the crash of MH17. For that reason the JIT further investigates the origin of these parts. The JIT will internationally enlist the help of experts, among others forensic specialists and weapon-experts.

At present the conclusion cannot be drawn that there is a causal connection between the discovered parts and the crash of flight MH17.

The JIT conducts the criminal investigation and the DSB the investigation into the cause of the crash. Both investigations are conducted separately but JIT and DSB occasionally share material. In its final report the DSB will report on the discovered parts.

Journalists can contact the press officer of the Dutch National Public Prosecution Service of the Netherlands for more information.

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