Интересные подробности

Но самое главное в дискуссии было то, что убитая, как и её бойфренд - черные, "а книгга по определению опасное чмо, заслуживающее свинцового дождя". Мол, за бойфрендом числились какие-то правонарушения и любое применение силы оправдано. Концепция "мой дом - моя крепость, которую я могу защищать с оружием в руках" разваливается, как только защитник - черный. Типа, "авотэтодругое"! Забудем, что каждый третий чернокожий мужчина имел какие-то терки с законом (довольно часто пустяковые) и потому логика про "стреляй в негра первым" в таком случае работает железно, просто выяснилось, что в ту ночь полицейских ВООБЩЕ ТАМ БЫТЬ БЫЛО НЕ ДОЛЖНО. Мордокопые ПОДДЕЛАЛИ данные, чтобы получить санкцию судьи на ночной рейд! Мордая копа теперь призналась, что врала, ей грозит 5 лет тюрьмы. Не вышка за убийство (тут такие законы, что создание ситуации при которой произошло убийство является тоже участием в убийстве), а пять лет. И то если максимум.
The Justice Department announced today that former Louisville Metro
Police Department (LMPD) Detective Kelly Goodlett, 35, pleaded
guilty in federal court to conspiring to commit two federal crimes.
Goodlett admitted that she conspired with another former LMPD
detective, both to falsify an affidavit to obtain a warrant to
search Breonna Taylor’s home without probable cause, which resulted
in Taylor’s death, and to cover up the false warrant by lying to
criminal investigators after Taylor was killed.
According to the plea agreement, Goodlett acknowledged that she
helped another LMPD detective, and their supervisor obtain a
warrant to search Taylor’s home, despite knowing that the officers
lacked probable cause to do so. To establish probable cause,
information in an affidavit accompanying a search warrant must be
truthful and timely. Goodlett admitted that she knew that the
affidavit in support of the warrant to search Taylor’s home was
false, misleading and stale.
First, Goodlett admitted that key information in the warrant
affidavit was false and misleading. For example, the other
LMPD detective claimed in the warrant affidavit that a U.S. Postal
Inspector had verified that a target of LMPD’s narcotics
investigation, J.G., had been receiving packages at Taylor’s home.
Goodlett knew this claim was false because the other detective told
her he had learned that “there’s nothing there” and that the Postal
Service had not flagged Taylor’s address for receiving any
suspicious packages.
The warrant affidavit also claimed that J.G. used Taylor’s home “as
his current home address.” Goodlett admitted that this claim was
misleading because officers knew that J.G. did not live at Taylor’s
home. In fact, Goodlett acknowledged that she and the other
detective knew of no evidence that J.G. had even visited Taylor’s
home for several weeks before the warrant was obtained
Goodlett pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Court Judge
Rebecca Grady Jennings. Goodlett will be sentenced at a hearing to
be scheduled at a later date. According to the plea
agreement, Goodlett faces a maximum sentence of five years in
prison and a fine of up to $250,000.
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