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During the lunch, Ambassador Sondland said that he was going to call President Trump to give him an update. Ambassador Sondland placed a call on his mobile phone, and I heard him anounce himself several times, along the lines of "Gordan Sondland holding for the President." It appeared that he was being transferred through several layers of switchboards and assistants. I then noticed Ambassador Sondland's demeanor change, and understood that he had been connected to President Trump. While Ambassador Sondland's phone was not on speakerphone, I could hear the President's voice through the earpiece of the phone. Thre President's voice was very loud and recognizable, and Ambassador Sondland held the phone away from his ear for a period of time, presumably because of the loud volume.
I heard Ambassador Sondland greet the President and explain that he was calling from Kyiv. I heard President Trump then clarify that Ambassador Sondland was in Ukraine. Ambassador Sondland replied, yes, he was in Ukraine, and went on to state that President Zelenskyy "loves your ass." I then heard President Trump ask, "So, he's gonna do the investigation?" Ambassador Sondland replied that "he's gonna do it," adding that President Zelenskyy will do "anything you ask him to." Even though I did not take notes of these statements, I have a clear recollection that these statements were made. I believe that my colleagues who were sitting at the table also knew that Ambassador Sondland was speaking with the President.
The conversation then shifted to Ambassador Sondland's efforts, on behalf of the President, to assist a rapper who was jailed in Sweden, and I could only hear Ambassador Sondland's side of that part of the conversation. Ambassador Sondland told the President "wait until after the sentencing or it will make it worse," adding that the President should "let him get sentenced, play the racism card, give him a ticker-tape when he comes home." Ambassador Sondland further told the President that Sweden "should have released him on your word," but that "you can tell the Kardashians you tried."
After the call ended, Ambassador Sondland remarked that the President was in a bad mood, as Ambassador Sondland stated was oftern the case early in the morning. I then took the opportunity to ask Ambassador Sondland for his candid impression of the President's views on Ukraine. In particular, I asked Ambassador Sondland if it was true that the Presidennt did not "give a s--t about Ukraine." Ambassador Sondland agreed that the President did not "give a s--t about Ukraine." I asked why not, and Ambassador Sondland stated that the President only cares about "big stuff." I noted that thre was "big stuff" going on in Ukraine, like a war with Russia, and Ambassador Sondland replied that he meant "big stuff" that benefits the President, like the "Biden investigation" that Mr. Giuliani was pushing. The conversation then moved on to other topics.Некоторые комментарии.
Первое и главное. Этот телефонный звонок ничего не оставляет от защиты "Джулиани и дипломаты действовали сами по себе, Трамп ни при чем", защиты, к которой в последнее время склонялись республиканцы.
Второе. Сондланд, очевидным образом, врал под присягой, когда говорил, что ни с кем в Белом Доме или Госдепе не обсуждал расследование Байденов.
Третье. "The President does not give a shit about Ukraine" может удивить примерно никого. Но очередной привет украинским трампистам.
Четвертое. Похоже, Трамп не уверен, что Киев находится в Украине. Что тоже никого не должно удивить.
Пятое. "Zelenskyy loves your ass" и "you can tell the Kardashians you tried" are both pretty great.
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