Госдеп выразил обеспокоенность:
kouzdra — 07.09.2016 Интересно - как теперь будут объяснять, что "Левада" - не американский агент, когда американцы прямо заявляют что заинтересованы в его деятельности в РФ:http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2016/09/261605.htm#RUSSIA
Also, just wanted to briefly express the fact that we are deeply troubled by the Russian Government’s decision to designate the Levada Center as a so-called “foreign agent.” The Levada Center is an internationally respected public opinion and polling organization known for the rigor and quality of its work. Polling is, as we all know here in the U.S., is an important tool in any country that seeks to live by democratic standards of openness, accountability in government, and freedom of scientific inquiry. These are principles Russia should seek to promote, we believe, and not silence.
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