Fun Lovin Criminals — Scooby snacks

топ 100 блогов dz4ngrizalosaur07.10.2021

Scooby Snacks

"Everybody be cool, this is a robbery!"
"Any of you fucking pricks move
And I'll execute every motherfucking last one of you!"

Me and Fast got the gats, we're out to rob a bank
We got Steve outside, carrying a full pack
Now everything's cool and everthing's smooth
I walked up to the teller, I gave her the letter
She gave me the loot with puckered up lips
And a wink that I found cute, and I said,
"Baby, baby, baby"
(Is this some Kharmic-Chi love thing happening here baby or what)
By that time Fast tapped me with the nine
He said it's time to blow, ya know, so out the door we go
Back to the ride with Steve inside and alive, off we drive
See, I hurt my lower lumbar, you know we'll never get far
Riding around in a stolen police car
So we dropped it off and piled in a Caddy
Steve was driving 'cause I had to talk to my man about something

"Look, I don't know anything about any fucking set-up
You can torture me all you want"
"Torture you, that's good, that's a good idea, I like that one"

Running around robbing banks
All whacked off of Scooby Snacks
Running around robbing banks
All whacked off of Scooby Snacks

And I don't give a fuck about the hell's gate
Ain't punkin' the crowd and I'm still standing up straight
So, we pull these jobs to make a little money
No one gets hurt if they don't act funny

On the way to the yacht, we almost got caught
Fast is shooting mailboxes, not knowing where the cop is, yeah
They're at the Dunkin Donuts, adjacent from the Fromans
Whose mailbox Fast had just exploded

They gave chase, but my man Steve's an ace
And we lost those brothers with haste
We casted off and along we went
Off Bermuda to an island resort we rented

"Sonny, I need you cool
"Are you cool?"
"I am cool"

Running around robbing banks
All whacked off of Scooby Snacks
Running around robbing banks
All whacked off of Scooby Snacks

Running around robbing banks
All whacked off of Scooby Snacks
Running around robbing banks
All whacked off of Scooby Snacks

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