Эти, как обычно.

400 еврейских борцов за победу ХАМАСа над Израилем, протестовали в центре Тель-Авива, перед театром "Габима".
Они как всегда за свободу Газы обстреливать Израиль и за мир, это когда Израиль не отвечает. Именно эта ситуация называется миром.
400 уродов, не так уж много для Тель-Авива, там их на самом деле больше, собрали две оргoвнизации, "Женщины за Мир" и "Социалистическая Рабочая Партия."
Убитый вчера ХАМАСовской миной 4-хлетний ребенок их не волнует. У них скорее всего, детей нет и не будет. Они ведь за мир борются и против израильских оккупантов, им не до детей.
Это хорошо, хорошо, что уроды хотя бы не размножаются.
'Pay the price for peace': Israelis demand ceasefire
Some 400 protesters gathered in Tel Aviv Saturday night to protest against the war in Gaza, calling for an end to the blockade of the Strip and the Israeli occupation in general. The protest was organized by the the Coalition of Women for Peace and the socialist Da’am Workers Party.

Israelis in Tel Aviv protest against Israel’s assault on Gaza, calling for a ceasefire and an end to the blockade of the Strip, Tel Aviv, August 23, 2014. (Photo: Activestills)
The protest was set to take place in Habima Square in central Tel Aviv, however police prevented the demonstration from taking place there and moved it to a nearby street. During the protest a rocket was fired from Gaza toward Tel Aviv and intercepted by the Iron Dome.
The protesters chanted demands for a ceasefire, as well as slogans such as “Yes to welfare, no to war” and “Occupation is terrorism.” For the first time since anti-war demonstrations have taken place during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge, there was no organized counter-protest of right-wingers; however, at the end of the demonstration an individual threw an egg at the protest organizers.
At the same time that the demonstration was taking place in Tel Aviv, residents of southern Israel gathered in Jerusalem to demand a political solution to the Gaza war, rather than a military one.

An Israeli protester holds a sign reading ‘End the massacre in Gaza,’ at a demonstration against Israel’s assault on the Strip, Tel Aviv, August 23, 2014. (Photo: Activestills)
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