Ещё о Столлмане

Когда полторы недели назад я (прямо
скажем, с сожалением) фактическое изгнание Столлмана со всех постов
в MIT, FSF и GNU, я исходил только из событий, послуживших
непосредственным поводом для скандала, то есть (обозначим здесь
вкратце, подробности по ссылке выше) его небесспорную защиту своего
давнего друго покойного профессора Марвина Мински, замешанного в
деле Джеффри Эпштейна.
Я далее приведу несколько цитат и примечательных отрывков, но на
самом деле это капля в море, так что всем, кого это интересует,
рекомендую пройти по ссылкам:
John Gruber, Stallman is brilliant — software he’s written
is at the bedrock layer of modern computing. He’s also a
certifiable creep. Circa 2011, I posted a series of links regarding
Stallman’s weirdness and creepiness, including video of
supermarket discount cards, andhis
truly bizarre and inadvertently hilarious 7,000-word
rider for speaking engagements.
Generally, the word doesn’t
seem to be in his vocabulary. He once invited a friend of mine to
lunch at a fancy restaurant, and she accepted, on the condition
that he comb his hair and wear suitable attire. After a pleasant
meal, he asked her if she minded if he danced. (Stallman is
famously a lover of folk dancing.) “Go ahead,” she said, and he
pranced around the tables, solo, in high-stepping glee, oblivious
to the discomfort of diners.
Публикация, которая видимо и послужила непосредственной причиной
ухода Столлмана:
Selam Jie Gano Why
do we tolerate this? Why
do we allow the jokes and the comments and everything small to just
‘slide’? Why
do we wait until it becomes bad and public and unbearable and
people like me have to write posts like this? Why
do we ponder the low enrollment of female and minority graduate
students at MIT with one hand and endorse shitty men in science
with the other? Not only endorse them — we invite them to our
campus where they will brush shoulders with those same female and
minority students. Why
do we excuse people simply because they are “geniuses”? As
Michelle Obama says, “they are not that smart”. Even in STEM
fields, I have to agree.
См. также
Richard Stallman is the reason I didn’t start contributing to open source (then called “free software”) in the 90s. I’m not the only one. He and his followers pushed out a whole generation of female developers, just at that critical time when open source adoption was widening.
My first interaction with RMS was at a hacker con at 19. He asked my name, I gave it, whether I went to MIT (I had an MIT shirt on), and after confirmation I did, asked me on a date. I said no. That was our entire conversation. Christine, yes, no thanks.
See copy at dreamwidth for more comments; currently it has

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