Джейми Гуди и российские вина

топ 100 блогов daily_winegraph10.11.2011 Вот уважаемый Биссо "Баба Яга" Атанасов меня регулярно "курощает", что я слишком добр к российскому вину. Ну так вот вам оценки известного винного блогера Джейми Гуди, посетившего недавно "Фанагорию" (очень жаль, что я с ним буквально на день разминулся).

Обратите внимание на оценки "Номерного резерва", особенно Алиготе 2010 и Саперави 2010 прокоторые я с первого дня писал, что они очень удались. А также Саперави Крю Лермонт.

Ну и, конечно, вспомните на минуточку, что NR - это вина категории "до 200 рублей на полке".

Fanagoria NR Aligote 2010
Aligote does well in this region. Half of this wine is fermented on Chardonnay lees to add body. Rounded, very fruity with nice texture and fresh citrus notes. Some melon fruit, too. Lively and full, this is an attractive wine with nice texture and a hint of creaminess. 88/100

Fanagoria NR Chardonnay 2010
Rounded, fruity and appealing with just a hint of nuttiness. Fresh and a bit nutty with nice fruit. 84/100

Fanagoria Cru Lermont Chardonnay 2010 (cask sample)
Fine, fruity and expressive with nice rounded character. Subtle citrus fruit, a bit of grapefruit freshnes and some mineral hints. Impressive. 88-90/100

Fanagoria NR Cabernet Sauvignon Rosé 2010
Fresh and fruity with nice acidity and sweet cherry fruit. Attractive stuff. 82/100

Fanagoria NR Merlot 2010
Fruity, in a lighter style. Berryish with sweet cherry fruit and some green herby notes. Nice sweet rounded fruit. Highly drinkable. 84/100

Fanagoria NR Cabernet Sauvignon 2010
Slightly minty hint to the nose which shows berryish fruit and subtle green herbal notes. Savoury twist to the berry fruits here. 83/100

Fanagoria NR Pinot Noir 2009
Nice berry and cherry fruit here: quite fresh with some herbal notes too. There’s a green herby edge to the attractive fruit. 84/100

Fanagoria NR Tzimylanskiy Cherniy 2009
Berryish and fresh yet also showing some evolution. Ripe, sweet, satisfying but a little herbal. 83/100

Fanagoria NR Tzimylanskiy Cherniy 2010
Bright berry fruits here with some nice grippy structure as well as green herbal notes. Drying finish. 83/100

Fanagoria NR Saperavi 2010
Nice bright berry fruits with a touch of herbiness. Quite delicious with lovely fruit and good tannic structure. 88/100

Fanagoria NR Clairet (Merlot/Cabernet Sauvignon)
Sweet, open, attractive red berry fruits to the fore. Rounded and appealing with some structure. 84/100

Fanagoria Cru Lermont Merlot 2008
Sweet, berryish and quite mellow with rounded, sweet berry fruits and some grippy tannins on the finish. 83/100

Fanagoria Cru Lermont Cabernet Sauvignon 2008
Warm, spicy and berryish with an almost Italian quality to it. Sweet with some savoury, earthy notes. Rich and berryish with good structure. Some oak influence here. 85/100

Fanagoria Cru Lermont Pinot Noir 2008
Green herbal edge to the nose is quite pronounced. Nice berry fruits with some sweet cherry fruit on the palate but the herbal/green character is quite strong. The wine would be much better without this excessively green streak. 82/100

Fanagoria Cru Lermont Clairet 2009
Sweet and ripe with nice concentration. Quite lush with subtle herbal notes. A rich, ripe style showing some evolution. 84/100

Fanagoria Cru Lermont Saperavi 2010
Powerful, vivid and intense with taut blackberry and blackcurrant fruit. Stuctured, with a bit of new oak showing. Nice density and presence here, with rich black fruits. 91/100

Fanagoria Riesling Ice Wine 2010
Sweet, rounded and a bit appley with some grapey notes. Not completely pure flavours, though. 81/100

Fanagoria Saperavi Ice Wine 2010
Cherryish, sweet and rounded with some luscious fruit and jelly characters. Nicely made. 83/100

Fanagoria NR Champagne Blanc de Noirs NV
Lovely fruity presence here. Quite lively with a bit of grip. Nice fruitiness. 86/100

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