Четырёхлистник. Безотрывное вязание

топ 100 блогов 188825709.05.2015


Techniques used in this stitch (British term / American term):

Chain stitch – ch

Slip stitch – sl.st

Treble / Double crochet – tr / dc

Triple treble / Double treble – t.tr/d.tr: Yarn over the hook 3 times, insert the hook in st, yarn over the hook and pull it through the st. Yarn over the hook and draw yarn through the first 2 loops on the hook. Repeat the preceding step three more times until you have only 1 loop left on the hook.

Stitch – st

Row 1: Make 7ch and sl.st in the 4th ch from the hook.

Make { 3ch + 2tr/dc + 3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch.

* 11ch, sl.st in the 4th ch from the hook.

Make { 3ch + 2tr/dc + 3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch; rep from *.

Row 2: * Work {3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc + 3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch, make sl.st in 3rd ch from the ring, 7ch.

Make sl.st in two loops of tr/dc of next flower (see pictures); rep from *.

For last flower work {3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc + 3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch and sl.st in last ch (or in 3rd ch from the ring for all next rows).

Row 3: Work 10ch, sl.st in the 4th ch from the hook.

Make { 3ch + 2tr/dc } in ring of 4ch.

* Work 3ch, sl.st in 1st ch of top petal (see pictures),

10ch, sl.st in the 4th ch from the hook. Make { 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch,

sl.st in 4th ch (of 7), {3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch; rep from *.

Work 3ch, sl.st in 1st ch of top petal.

Row 4: Make 10 ch, sl.st in two loops of tr/dc.

* Work {3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc + 3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch, make sl.st in 3rd ch from the ring, 7ch. Make sl.st in two loops of tr/dc of next flower; rep from *.

Work {3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc } in last ring of 4ch.

Row 5: * 10ch, sl.st in the 4th ch from the hook. Make { 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch, sl.st in 4th ch (of 7), {3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch, 3ch, sl.st in 1st ch of top petal; rep from *.

10ch, sl.st in the 4th ch from the hook. Make { 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch, sl.st in 4th ch (of 10),

{3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch.

Repeat rows 2 - 5 until you have reached your desired length.


Work left edge after " Row 2": * 7ch, make sl.st in two loops of tr/dc of next flower, work {3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc + 3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch, make sl.st in 3rd ch from the ring; rep from *.

Make 7ch and sl.st in last foundation ch.

Multicolored flower stitch

Row 1: work Row 1 of one-color flower stitch.

Row 2: work Row 2 of one-color flower stitch. After last sl.st of the row fasten off and cut the yarn.

Row 3: fasten yarn to the 1st ch of top petal (see pictures) and work Row 5 of one-color flower stitch. Finish this row after *.

Row 4: work Row 4 of one-color flower stitch. To finish Row 4 work: {3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc + 3ch + sl.st + 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch, make sl.st in 3rd ch from the ring, 3ch, 1 t.tr/d.tr in 1st ch of top petal below (see pictures), fasten off and cut the yarn.

Row 5: fasten yarn to t.tr/d.tr, work 7ch, sl.st in the 4th ch from the hook. Make { 3ch + 2tr/dc} in ring of 4ch, sl.st in in 1st ch of top petal. Then continue work Row 5 of one-color flower stitch.

Repeat rows 2 –5 until you have reached your desired length.



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