Часть 35. И игры для Кинект специально вносят задержки.

топ 100 блогов misterxmedia — 11.02.2011

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Часть 35.
Misterx: WOW! I love Enslaved!! Chapter 9 now.very colourfull and pleasure for an eye...what a graphics!! but texnically... textures not so sharp imo :)

WOW - The End of Chapter 9 and brgining of 10..very funny and well acted..love pIG and how he looks..like CGI render form Uncharted :) pleasure for eyes!
Well that ant no cgi, that is in game engine.....
You have not seen the more texture polygon part yet enjoy. And remember uncharted is only a coradoor with tricks and on rails. :) enslaved is nothing compared to what is to come :)

Misterx: good day...lets talk if Microsoft lies to us..what do you think of it...do they? :)
for example: Kinect E3 2009 start adv...you can track fingers and use any kind of objects, scan them...
is it still possible with KInect? :)
Ok when you first got your xbox360, did it have hdd drive installs, did it have Facebook, quick flicks, net flicks, syne market place, sky, fox, sports. Did games have c1, did you have a different gui, did it have voice activated controls. No control ... :) and stereoscopic 3d , ok would you like me to go on..

Let's see What Sony did ok buggy web browser, other os linuxs, blue Ray -r support, edge tools, yeah and then they took away other os, 3rd party USB support, no blue Ray -r, and still no cross game chat, and now they charge. For p s n +. Won't be long and they will be charging for on line game play just wait and see....:)

So who lies hey...
Kinect can do every thing ms said it could back @e3 and even more it is a software driven interface and software evolves and gets better. If you think ms are going to put kinect out the door with out it being future proof you  are kin ding your self 500million dollars is a lot kinect will distroy move sales in the first week... Stop reading the Sony blog it is  all full of propaganda.. :) does your gut tell you this might be fun.. But ol have to wait for that amazing game. Well it is coming. Go and get move and kinect and try them out side buy side.. Yeah move might be a little faster. It is based of a wii remote how original :) kinect is better and it will get better and better and better. 1 on 1 motion tracking is possible and 90% of game early next year will show this. :)

Misterx: don't say what they lie...i just interested in your opinion...
Is that MS who said about finger tracking? I realy don't remember from where we know that first  Today i read a stry what finger traking isn't possible...

Observing neogaf' topic names for OT...
Japan&PS3 games "briliant", "surprisingly", "beautifull"
Western&360 games....mostly still or negative..
Neogaf also proSony site...Hate Sony
But what do you want? If i was a jap and were atacked by atomic bomb i would hate americans even harder. they will never forgive.

On the other side we russian don't hate germany which killed 36 milions of us...
 don't know..why japs can't play fair play.
Kinect can do finger tracking 1 on 1. It can tel every hand wrist elbow shoulder joint nea joint, ankle. It even adds points for the back, spine points, it has bottom of the feet points. There can be over 200 points that kinect can track in 1on1 on real time. The reson kinect has a few mill seconds of delay is for people, people are stupid to how there bodys work.. Every body walk and move different. Size shape and height also.
The humen brain needs this delay so they can judge and antiserpaint the optects and world and character can have time to reacked. Could you dodge a. Bullet in real time ..... :)  some DEvs will go the full 1 on 1, but a control of some sort will be enabled to give the extra fast pass. Full emersion with body , movement , time, and real world physics. But I think some dev's choose a little bit more delay then others as some kinect games  are focused on gamers who have only ever known wii and little children as well. How manny times have I heard people say it will be good when there is no control, go pick a tennis racket up for tennis. Go grab a golf club for golf this is what kinect can do. It can map any thing ......:) you see it is the future don't think of kinect as an end of the control think of it as an added world  that has been missing from games... :)

Think off this world as a game of cheest. With other forces playing the game. That is what I think of war. When people final wake up and see the true rules of the world it won't matter what skin color size you are it will matter about survivel,  americar and japan are just parts of a big pleant spinning in space. There is no differs between you and me or japan south affrica Asia Australia London. Were all breathing the same air and living under the same sun. The illuminate are the rules and dividers of the world, it is there die sign to dived the world they run the media these also effects colter and world governments, if americar didn't drop the nuke japan would have killed and tortured millions why were they fighting in the first place, does every body think that one person said let's go to war no it is shadow. Government the illuminate. Even if you don't beleve me think of this point would you kill your mother or father, would you rape a women child.
 The public don't do this, I can take 50 of my japanies friends 50 of my American. And ask them to fight kill each other they would look at me like I was crazy. They wouldn't do it. The problem is multi billion dollar corporation like Sony are to viel with hate. You can't blam the japanies people or amercan people of a government. Desion, ms are not the illuminate they are different people should see that how offen do you see Sony giving away million to africar to fight aids, cancer. No you won't because the illuminate don't have control off ms. And neat her do the us government. Do you see my point. Every body is getting played. Racism in a digital age is descusting ...

Misterx: Well...Kinect is possible to do finger tracking..so why MS dev said no it can't recently...i do wonder...and it is shock for me about adding a delay...really shoked...looks very fantastic...all your previos word about no lag smashed...very sad...:( again i feel like i been fooled :(
 What about Sony and illuminati..i thought the same way...but that point don't stay in my mind for a long time..yeah i was wrong about japans people.

now i wonder how MS not controlled by illuminati..illuminati needs to contol such a company like MS.
also i wonder how illuminati do communicate. do they reaaly communicate? :)
Kinect can do 1 on 1 which = zero delay. I told you dev's choose to ad a little delay so the human brain and body can get the feel right.  A little bit of delay is good trust me. If they didn't people would complain that the games were to fast for them to keep up people would get way to fucking tied :)

Even move has delay. And your not really controlling the game like kinect. Moves delay is the delay the human brain has when it tells you to hold an object and to push a button there is a reflex delay. Pic a pen up and grab some paper right your name is there delay. Yeah there is even if you do it as fast as you can. Kinect can do that in real time with 200 points on your body mapped it's that smart well the software that it can tell what you are going to do, it learns your move ment. Have fath my friend I never fool any body.

As for how they communicate it is the g4sumit that is how the government does it. You want to know why they don't control ms. Becouse ms is that big of a company that it would be to open to the public he'll even there rnd projects are well known....:) But sony they have hard were that is un humen tech.. Blue gean.... Well adlest the gpu is man made thanks amd :) depends what you believe, there are a lot of dev story out there...  Just all ways watch what the right hand does , cos the left hand  is all ways doing some thing else :)

Misterx: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NaM1kwJ73A&feature=related
so beatifull...and you saw better picture on xbox? but how can it be better...can't imagine...perfect ligthing makes picture so real on distance...
by how many percent will be the super games better and in what areas...can you make a try to discribrybe tt in words :)

devs add a delay...that is a world sensantion...i don't get that. that is a stupudiest thing eva(дурак был я, т.к. позже на амазоне я прочитал полно отзывов о муве, о том, что играть с такой чувствительностью в некоторых играх неудобно). i refuse to beleive. i am not share your explanation. it is much better to get used to when there is no delay...i can't beleve you told that...i am very doubtfool about your stories now..only time will tell..but you said kinect has no lag and now you say devs add lag...very strange and doubtfool...that is what i feel now
you said:"t sony they have hard were that is un humen tech.. Blue gean.... Well adlest the gpu is man made thanks amd :) depends what you believe, there are a lot of dev story out there...  "

dont get this...that is a joke? nvidia made a gpu not amd...and don\t understand what you mean about when say human/unhuman....
Still has low textures :) but they have done a good job with it.
And to answer your question yes and yes. The hold up is kinect iv told you this. Does kill zone have voice control, sqcode control, and head tracking   Micro feature. No and no. Ms are doing it right buy my book. If you think about how tacked on some options are with kill zone 3 they should have fixed the laggy controls, I mean being a hand control why is there such a delay..:) I thought only kinect had delay in the Sony fanboy eyes. Double standeds.  Like i said you will see stuff next year that will test your. Idea of graphics. Just wait a little longer. :(

Did you see the psp2 prototype phone..... I spoke with our dev and he said there is two models one is a phone and one is an iPod type device.... I guess Sony is hard up for device designs..... While I like the idea of dual touch analog controls.. After seeing a few games in dev no portable hard ware I think 3ds is the future hard ware for handheld gaming, but ol be getting a psp2 none the less............................:)

Misterx:No i didn't see...i don't care about handfields...they are for people with much time to play in life. i hardly find for "in front TV gaming" :)
i am happy now for kinect...new footages are great...i see i reduced lag. you was right man :)
 totally agree with this article...what smartest and hi payroll minds in MS only think about...
good comments :)
now i tittaly dissagree with an article. Ms can't be a leader on all markets.
 find the argument a bit low with this article, The fact that kinect will demolish the wii and ps3 in no time, once the hard core audience get there golden stallion's... :)  its over for move.

Windows 7 is the best os period, and any company can fuck things up, i.e sony ps3 , apple cost of there products. and they all make it back to the top.

The biggest problem with MS is steve. He turns back so manny aspects that creative teams come to him with, Rnd is amazing at MS.

While I have seen the x-pad prototype and it destroy my ipad 100% over iv seen psp2 dev it kills that 100x over, The problem is the cpu, arms cpus, And GPU They have all been held back buy the bad recession.  It is only now that MS can move forward with there vision for the future, and with Amd bulldozer coming on fast, And Ms working this in to there products range I think Ms consumer products will be high quality then any thing apple can a chive, The biggest problem Ms have had is there transition from software to hardware+ software it has been a bumpy road to say the lease.  

I think with in the next 12 months these articles will be back dust on the internet, Cos iv seen what Ms have coming and even sony cant match it, nor can apple and google, And android os is trash buggy hackable crap. Ios has to evolve more.

As for kinect you have seen nothing yet, The sony fanboy's on n4g are going to eat all there words, The best thing of all is sony will have to announce there ps4, ps3 will not last ten years when you see the 720 lol :) game over for sony... Cos the best they can hope for is
a cheap blue ray player and a two cell two gpu nvidia card cos that is what they have in mind, it will never match the 720,  MS will be known for there surpior hardware next gen

Misterx:Hello man...i was on roll yesterday on n4g..in results - i got banned :) there was a momentum to shut sonypaid mans up..they were pissed for a while i gueess. now i see more and more xbox supporters will come to n4g and sony paid comments will be demolished by dissagrees..
I think the biggest problem is there attitude towards other gamers, when the new casual kinect gamers start getting online buy the millions, they will see the workings of Sonys paid mouth peaces... It will show the negative company tactics.. And hurt the images of Sony.. A lot of parents do there home work these days also and when they go to n4sony fan boys.. :) and see it for them salves any one can see how that web sight opperates. I guess ms had to manny games put for xbox gamers to get online and rag against the Sony payed blogger

Misterx:so...kinect can do 1:1 positioning and that is not about delay as often fanboys mean on the net..1:1 is a 3d movement tracking...i move my arm back and 3d infrard sensor see that while rgb camera not..because moving arm back from a position like you drive in joy ride is visialy the same on  screen ...am i right? that is depend how kinect track ulnar bone..via RBG or Infrared...
the 3d camira is for space reading of objects it can all so do point to point tracking. The rgb camira is for point tracking 1 on 1. I have. Not sampled final build quality but like I said the final kinect hard ware is really good better then wii and move. But some devs like. Little delay it helps people adapt to the new input your " your body " no one can fucking dodge a bullet :) take cair friend, the battle begins Now :)


I got my personal final hard ware kinect  for home use, it had shit loads of lag and glitch's :( The games were running shocking, The dev kit units do not have this .....

So I re-calibrated the device again and I was right with my observations, the problem with
the first calibration is you should do it two time when you get it in your environment. The problem is the xbox calibration learns the environment and 3d map space, see the dev kits are set up different to final build... they have auto calibration mapping which is predefined environment scaling pre fabs... there design to emulate all the different rooms and space that kinect can function to its fullest. I think the problem with people having lag and other having none/ or normal input lag.. is the calibration of the room. 6ft is the ideal space but 10ft is the magic spot.  with 10ft space and about  7ft standing from the kinect. the final kinect hard ware can map very accurate,  A few of the mini tech demos we designed run amazing on final kinect there is no lag it is smooth a lot smoother then what was our goal. The next update firmware update Ms has coming for Kinect is designed to speed it up even more,  This should arrive in the next few days. :)

But you should have stripped it down some what, not to sound rude.. But the ms update stuff should be left out of our conversations.. Its not for the general public.. I.e new copy protection,

My only argument with ms is they could have sold kinect at 100 usd.
It is the perfect price for this divide to get it in to homes and maybe only included a demo disk....

Buy early next year hybrid games and updates for some older lover exclusives will be hitting live and shelves. So the hard core will get there first glimpse of what kinect has for them, I think there going to love this new elements. Even tho the big hitter won't land for a few more months.

I heard today that pgr has change developers. It turns out that turn10 will be developing froze x4 only now, even tho they had drivable code.
But I think ms really want froze 4 to be a bigger contender next gen ....
Even tho it has Been over 12 months since it's release Ive played gt5 now I was very very impress is it perfect no,,,,! But it is good, it ant uncharted 2 good of a step it still feels like gt5 prologue, which is a shame but it does have better in car and car textures. I also notice a lot of frame lag.... So it ant perfect there was also draw in and the damage model needs work. It just feels to arcade now and cars don't feel like they are going that fast. In car view does tho. I think the ps scene needs this game but I was disappointed after you play it it's just like halo play one you have played the basic style. Polyphonic I give you 9.5 but I will deduct .5 for making every body wait this long shame shame.  Got a ps3 get gt5 if you don't then you suck :) sorry about that mini review but I need to get that of my chest. But yeah I know that the next pgr will use the physics 360 engine and it has been enhanced, but ms really want this to be the eye candy
 game this gen and I think the move will benefit the pgr franchise. It could be out buy year end if the right team gets there hands on it :) they might show the world just how good they can be.. As pgr is a pretty loved series and ms don't want pgr to fail.

Misterx:We have kinects here in russia for about 270$, bundeled with 4 gb about 530$...
iphone4 here is about 800Euros or over 1000 dollars...that is a shame..for all over the world...america gets all cheap...and have a higher salary...that is because they print a paper called world money which is a dollar i guess..illuminati.
yeah...i will buy gt5....but i hated gt5:p gameplay compared to forza's...feels so unnatures...tyres got whistled every coner...unnatural...

oh..the main thing...
read the reviews...super pleasure to read...hate all proff reviws after that...they all clueless and far from the customer...ms should not give them a dollar more...
and there is allready 113 reviws in 2 days...while move has 58 in 2 month.

Well..after reading all of thouse reviews..i feel like they doctored...they have a patern...
what do you know about amazon user eviews? can we trust them? can MS pay people to pay from amazon and write a trusted review?
Any review can be payed, but I think kinect has proven it is only getting better and when it comes to kinect that is 100% a reality. The problem Sony has is they didn't incorporate the fun factor in with move... It is a wii copy but is it really that much better.

Kinect will see the xbox360 sell a lot more then Sony this gen when kinect go's global this month buy christmas, the 3 million + gap that ms has over Sony is going to widen very very fast, sone analyst have ruff figures and I think the 500m ms has to spend will cover the next 4 months , it is for tv , radio, and having major lunches in capital citys, the main problem is 99% of fanboys think that it is for payed review, there would be millions of revews if they payed people. And the reviews would be all tens.. But that is not the case ... the reviews in my book are fairly realistic the kinect lunch line up is for a casual market. And the casual market don't hang out online they don't post on forums, they listen to friends come over my house see this kinect thing. The main thing is there fun to play, ms has done something right they have that nintendo fun factor that is what people want most a good laugh and a good time it is really unfair to call kinect
 just a motion control, when it does so many different things, the future for ms is getting better now this will bring so manny people in to gaming now for body motion control type gaming.

Misterx:well...my readers will remember me i said them...forza 3 will be superior over gt5 based on your words...
 i will be put in shame and will be called a lier :)
:You ant no lier that was a comparison remember to the gt5 that was meant to ship 16 months ago....... :)

How much time do you think that manny months makes let's see,
Optimzed textures, night driving and weather, more cars damage mapping
3d..... But under all that it still feels like gt4 on ps2 that ant a bad thing it just don't have the froze engine. :)

And no fanboy can argue with what I said. I gave it a 9 dam it... 9.5 :) that don't make it a shit game I just think turn10 could make a better game if they had more then 2 years development time.

But if gt5 had of come out at the same time froze would have been the better game period. And I think polyphonic digital did the right thing buy delaying it, cos they really were not ready to ship it, but the Sony mouth peace you know how they work...! :)

Misterx:Kinect sell well....
if compare  amazon user review quantity of reach and kinect we have 350 to 200 to reach...that means what kinect sold allready about 2 millions :) minus buzz factor wich say tha many people don't usualy write a review..but kinec is so awesome so they decide to write...i guess it will be about 1.5 mill. still not bad..
move sold about 3 times less i guess..
review quantity math is amazing :)) strongly beleive in it..or i do know nothing about economy and statistics :)
think at the end of the day the kinect hardware works... And the general. Public know this so they wright reviews.... When the core games arrive it's all over :) fps  can be done with kinect but there has to be a button.. :) or a gun and a vibration feedback bands... Could halo 4 be that ace... Or is it the true perfect dark sequel I guess ol leave that to  your imagination. For now all I can say is there is some mind boggling cool shit heading this way for the core gamers way :)

Misterx:Yeahh cool...but how much will it cost this new add-on? :)
Who knows maybe it my be a pack in device ...... With a really good fps :)

Any way looks like Ms are trying to get an internal cloud service going...   So you know what this means....... but it is all test these days... Maybe they might try to hold back the urge to lunch there next box. I know they don't want to be first this time, The ALU's are shaping up nice but still 2 more years would be good for 360 to be lead platform, were only just making money now.  And it will mean no blue ray 1 tech... next gen :)

Misterx:Hello :)
Cloud = no blue ray or and other physical format next gen? :) i do not want this...
i guess what they will annouce next box E3 2012 shiping cristmas 2012. Wii2 will be allready available that time...
what what will PC dev do? they can't make PC games only because they sell bad. but they can make a very super GFX game on modern hardware...consoles hold back PC...2 more years that will be more...yes?

Man i have been told that Xenos have no GPGPU

ну а далее, далее я уже публиковал начиная с 11/11/2010.
все, частей больше не будет. 35-ая последняя.

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