Cave Martin - Computers and Economic Planning: The Soviet Experience. 1980

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Computers and Economic Planning provides a detailed account of the impact that computer technology has had on economic planning in the Soviet Union over the last twenty years. It describes the growing interest in new methods of planning that has arisen in the USSR and the attempts made by the Soviet authorities to integrate computers and mathematical methods into the broad framework of economic planning and management. The study then focuses on the actual use of computers in four major types of organizations in the Soviet economic system, and assesses the potential of the new methods, the extent to which this potential has been realized, and the factors that have encouraged or impeded the effective use of computers in economic planning. Finally, the book considers the likely future role of computers in the general development of the Soviet economy and its planning system.
As a recent and detailed account of the contribution of computers to improving planning, Computers and Economic Planning should be of interest to specialists in the Soviet economy and to anyone with an interest either in the operation of centrally-planned economies or in the impact of computers on the economic system.

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