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топ 100 блогов mlp_ru20.07.2013 http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/07/comic-con-2013-my-little-pony-main-panel.html

Season 4 (Kinda spoilery):

Meghan is excited about the new opportunities Twilight as an alicorn unlocks, but she stays true to her usual Twilight Sparkle adorkable way.

Doing something that they have never done on the show before but keeping it the same in a way. Something going on bigger than usual.

Tons of music this season, including with characters that haven't sung yet. Between 15-20 songs total

Daniel is most proud of season 4 in comparison to all other seasons so far. He is just finishing up the final song right now.

Most of the names people shouted out have songs according to MK (Luna, Scratch, and a few others, though everyone kept shouting Derpy. It's going to be a tough sell to let her sing)

They think of the episodes as actual movies as opposed to short half hour episodes.

Spike has a lot of fun in season 4.

Meghan promises Rarity does get an episode this season. She doesn't want anymore "DON'T BELIEVE HER LIES!" memes!

They think they broke Tabitha with the Rarity lines this season

Andrea says Pinkie Pie's season 4 writing is hilarious, and piles of crazy stuff happens to Fluttershy.

The musical style episode in season 4 centers around Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie meets someone who gives her a run for her partying money.

Spike is put into situations much more uncomfortable than normal.

Season 4 Teaser Video:

Mane 6 superheroes

New Villian

Evil Luna

Apple Family Song

Video eventually!


4:20 !!!!!!!

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