A short and incomplete glossary of tattoo markings and terms
– Car: gang unit
– Shot Caller: gang member in charge of a group
– Doing or putting in work: usually an assault or murder done on instructions from a “shot caller”
– Earned tattoo: can be any number of symbols showing membership, a gang's name or symbol, or a symbol of work done
– Lightning bolts: awarded to members of white gangs usually for assigned assaults, usually on another race but not always.
– The number 13 (represented by a single dot on one hand and three on the other): used to represent Surenos, a gang that grew out of the Mexican Mafia. Their sworn enemies, the Nortenos or Nuestra Familia are represented by the number 14 which sometimes appears as a dot on one hand and four dots on the other.
– It has been reported that a star on the arm of a Norteno member is awarded for one killing. A star on the forehead is given for two or more.
– A place name such as “Oakland” or SF usually refers to hometown but not always. At least in California white prison gangs are structured along county lines. A prisoner with “Coco” on his stomach means both he is from Contra Costa County and in one of the white prison gangs.
– “415”, the phone area code for San Francisco does not mean the wearer is from San Francisco. It is a symbol for a political black (although not exclusively black) prison gang known as Kumi Nation, Swahili for 10 or 4+1+5. Other tattoos associated with the Kumi Nation are statements of pride and the continent of Africa with a figure holding an AK-47 coming out of it.
– “MOB”: “Money over Bitches”
– “MOE”: “Men of Business”
– Greek masks: Used in many different forms to symbolise the good times and the bad or pain and sorrow, and joy and pleasure. Found on all races.
– 51-50: Penal code for being a danger to self and others.
Slogans reflecting beliefs or attitudes are a common theme and are often placed around the color bone
– “Only God can Judge Me”: “That just basically means that no matter what, no matter how society looks at you, at you as an individual, like how the justice system looks at you as a monster or menace to society, regardless of what they say, only God can judge you. A judge can’t judge you just because he’s a judge. He’s not God Almighty. No matter what kind of person society makes you out to be, only God can judge you. Only God knows you.” - Michael Sipp, prisoner
– “Trample The Weak Hurdle The Dead”: Nazi Skinhead
– “SWP”: Supreme White Power
– “1488”: Used by white supremacist gangs. 14 refers to "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children," a phrase by David Lane. 88 refers to the eighth letter of the alphabet, H. Double is HH or Heil Hitler.
– USO: Polynesian or Pacific Islander.

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