Warning. Bad Service!

[Liz L.] ? [Замечательное начала разговора, правда? Это уже мои комментарии...]
[Den] Good Morning
[Liz L.] Good Morning!
[Den] I have a question about Order #{censored}
[Den] It has been marked as shipped for more than a week for now [Это при том, что находятся они рядом - Rochester Hills, MI 48309]
[Den] But I still haven't got my skiing socks
[Den] Is there any way to track that shipment?
[Liz L.] I am sorry, but I'm afraid that shipment has been delayed due to a shipping problem. I'm afraid that Smartwool products are not eligible for international shipment.
[Den] What does it mean? I won't get my socks at all?
[Liz L.] I do apologize that you were not notified of this earlier. If you have a US address for shipment, we can get it on its way. If not, I can drop the SW product and ship the rest.
[Liz L.] I am sorry, but I'
[Den] No, please cancel the whole Order then and refund the payment.
[Liz L.] I am afraid that it is a new rule by Smartwool, concerning our shipping..
[Liz L.] I will cancel and issue a full refund, and again, I am truly sorry for the trouble.
[Den] Look, It looks really really bad. I mean your service. I have been waiting for nothing for more than two weeks. Somebody had to contact me and notify about that. I am very frustrated. [Заказ был сделан больше двух недель назад, но был Кристмас, поэтому я особо не парился... а зря!]
[Den] But anyway, thanks for your help with this order. Otherwise I would wait forever I guess.
[Liz L.] I understand, and your are correct....you should have been contacted in regards to this. I apologize for the oversight on our part.....
[Liz L.] I am really sorry. Thanks for being so understanding.
[Den] I am not really. I won't be shopping with you anymore. And will warn everybody I know about this incident. That is the price to pay. But I still need my money back. Have a good day!
Выполняю свою "угрозу". Предупреждаю максимальное количество людей об ужасном (а раньше я думал что это только в Канаде бывает!) сервисе. Ну а дальше как в песне: "Думайте сами, решайте сами...".
PS: Мне кажется нам нужен тэг "bad service" в сообществе или что-то типа того.
PPS: Если кто-то поделится сайтом с которого покупает всяческие классные носки быстро и надёжно - буду рад. Спасибо.
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