Вот это весь ответ?

топ 100 блогов yakov_a_jerkov14.03.2018 Russian spy: UK to expel 23 Russian diplomats
The UK will expel 23 Russian diplomats after Moscow refused to explain how a Russian-made nerve agent was used on a former spy in Salisbury, the PM says.

Theresa May said the diplomats, who have a week to leave, were identified as "undeclared intelligence officers".

She also revoked an invitation to Russia's foreign minister, and said the Royal Family would not attend the Fifa World Cup later this year.
Королевская семья не посетит ЧМ в России! Зато сборная Англии его посетит. Цирк какой-то.

И про Корбина. Из его выступления в парламенте сегодня.

Arieh Kovler:
Corbyn thinks its still possible that Russia negligently lost control of the weapon. Wants May to give the evidence to Russia.

Corbyn demands more talks with Russia. Then attacks the Govt over cuts. He's the Member for Moscow Centre today.

Corbyn does condemn Russia for human rights abuses and mafia links. His first direct criticism of Russia in this speech.
И еще:
Corbyn, via his spokesman, is essentially claiming that the Skripal poisoning could be Kevin Schofield:

Corbyn spokesman also suggests that a former Soviet state other than Russia may have been behind the Skripal attack: “The break up of the Soviet state led to all sorts of material ending up in random hands.”
То есть российские talking points в чистом виде.

Ну, и про британскую Alt-Right. Я всю цепочку копировать не буду, вот ее начало:
THREAD: Given that the main UK-based alt-right social media accounts claim to be motivated only by patriotism, I was curious to see what they had to say about the alleged Russian use of nerve agents on UK soil...
Spoiler: They have absolutely nothing to say about it, Найджел Фарадж и остальные.

Куда ни кинь, всюду клин, в общем.

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