Ухода псто...

И в силу своей наивной глупости я был глубоко убеждён, что именно уход доставляет человекам радость. Но оказывается так называемые зуууумеры ( да просто хипстота ) придали слову "уход" совсем другой смысл.
LeafyPod unveils AI-powered self-watering smart planter at CES

Technology brand Leafypod has unveiled an AI-powered smart planter at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
Made from durable plastic materials, the LeafyPod aims to address what the brand identifies as the four main causes of plant death: soil moisture, light, temperature, and humidity.
"The materials were chosen specifically for their resistance to water exposure and ability to maintain structural integrity over time", Cleo Song, co-founder of LeafyPod, told Dezeen.

The device has sensors that detect light, humidity, and temperature and relay the data to the LeafyPod app.
"Our AI-powered watering system automatically adapts to each plant's specific needs by monitoring environmental conditions and adjusting the watering schedule accordingly, ensuring optimal care regardless of the plant variety", Song said.
The LeafyPod app works alongside the plant, learning its routine over time and automatically adjusting the watering schedule for optimised care.
"The planter's clean, minimalistic design in classic white conceals its sophisticated technology – including multiple environmental sensors and watering systems", Song continued.

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