Танковые Страсти - 1900 штук страстей

топ 100 блогов smoliarm16.02.2023 Танковые Страсти - 1900 штук страстей US_Tanks.jpg

Видеорепортаж от U.S. MILITARY CENTRAL о погрузке на корабль (USNS Bob Hope) новой партии боевых машин для Украины:

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Причем здесь только половина от объявленных 1900 единиц - другая половина поедет другим кораблём.

Страйкер - убийца танков:
Танковые Страсти - 1900 штук страстей US_StrykerT.jpg

В середине ролика дана ссылка на интересную статью в The Washington Post "Ukraine’s rocket campaign reliant on U.S. precision targeting, officials say"
Ukrainian officials say that they almost never launch HIMARS rounds without detailed coordinates provided by U.S. military personnel situated elsewhere in Europe

Стоит внимательно сравнить формулировки.
Первое - от офицеров ВСУ:
Ukraine’s rocket campaign reliant on U.S. precision targeting, officials say
Ukrainian officials say that they almost never launch HIMARS rounds without detailed coordinates provided by U.S. military personnel situated elsewhere in Europe

Ukrainian officials said they require coordinates provided or confirmed by the United States and its allies for the vast majority of strikes using its advanced U.S.-provided rocket systems, a previously undisclosed practice that reveals a deeper and more operationally active role for the Pentagon in the war.

The disclosure, confirmed by three senior Ukrainian officials and a senior U.S. official, comes after months of Kyiv’s forces pounding Russian targets — including headquarters, ammunition depots and barracks — on Ukrainian soil with the U.S.-provided High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, and other similar precision-guided weapons such as the M270 multiple-launch rocket system.

One senior Ukrainian official said Ukrainian forces almost never launch the advanced weapons without specific coordinates provided by U.S. military personnel from a base elsewhere in Europe. Ukrainian officials say this process should give Washington confidence about providing Kyiv with longer-range weapons.

Второе - от старшего офицера US:
A senior U.S. official — who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue — acknowledged the key American role in the campaign and said the targeting assistance served to ensure accuracy and conserve limited stores of ammunition for maximum effectiveness. The official said Ukraine does not seek approval from the United States on what to strike and routinely targets Russian forces on their own with other weapons. The United States provides coordinates and precise targeting information solely in an advisory role, the official said.

И от официального предстваителя Пентагона:
Senior Pentagon officials ... provided a statement highlighting the limitations of American involvement.
“We have long acknowledged that we share intelligence with Ukraine to assist them in defending their country against Russian aggression, and we have optimized over time how we share information to be able to support their requests and their targeting processes at improved speed and scale,” Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, said in the statement. “The Ukrainians are responsible for finding targets, prioritizing them and then ultimately deciding which ones to engage. The U.S. does not approve targets, nor are we involved in the selection or engagement of targets.”

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