So what?

Вот Reince Priebus у Хэннити. Сегодня, кстати, стало известно, что Прибуса нанял канал либеральной пропаганды CBS.
А вот Geraldo Rivera на "Fox & Friends":Reince Priebus: "Sometimes the best defense is the 'so-what' defense which is, if everything the Democrats said is true it's still not impeachable. If everything Lev Parnas said is true, it's still not impeachable"
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) January 17, 2020
I look at this whole Ukrainegate. I say everything the Democrats have charged is true. I concede each and every allegation about trying to muscle the Ukrainian government into investigating the Bidens. I concede that. I concede that the call with Zelensky and President Trump was not appropriate. It was tacky and inappropriate. I concede all of that, and I come to “so what?” This does not state a case as demanded by Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States. This is not bribery. This is not treason. This is not a high crime or misdemeanor. This entire impeachment fails because it does not state what the Constitution requires.Если кому-то кажется, что республиканская линия защиты всегда была "so what?", то это совсем даже не так.
Вот те же "Fox & Friends". Только не сейчас, а в сентябре. "If the president said, 'I will give you the money but you have got to investigate Joe Biden,' that is really off-the-rails wrong."
За несколько месяцев эти ребята прошли путь от "off-the-rails wrong" до "so what?"To illustrate how far the goalposts have shifted, here was Fox & Friends' Steve Doocy in September:
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) January 22, 2020
"If the president said, 'I will give you the money but you have got to investigate Joe Biden,' that is really off-the-rails wrong."
I think it is somewhat impressive.