Переписка (Каутского с Энгельсом) Стефана и Джонни на пресс-конференции в Москве :)))
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Первоначальный источник:
Magical Space Zebra Paired with Tomas in Japan!
Thanks to devoted Japanese fans
"Stephane did La Traviata, very just after his long flight from
Of course, it had less jumps, but another was almost full-version.
All jumps that he did were clean. His movement caught the music. It
was wonderful! The audience burst into applause.
Adding this, he did the last half part of Tell for encore. At that time, all spectators rushed into crazy! Stephane got the biggest applause in the show, I think. (but someone may say “ same as Dai-chan or next to Dai-chan”.) I’m very happy to see them.
In today’s show, there were only 4 skaters to (be let to) do encore, Mao, Dai-chan, Miki, and Stephane.
At opening, Stephane did a spiral, rotating around his hands lying down (sorry, I don’t know how to explain this movement) and a spin.
At finale, Stephane and Tomas appeared together. They did ballet-jumps like Stephane and Shizuka in Thin Ice, and did a spin. Later, they did a jump together.
He looked happy and not so exhausted on the ice, but off ice, I
don’t know…
I really appreciate Stephane coming to Japan when he is so busy.
Not only me but also all Japanese fans think so. And we also worry
about his health. I hope he can keep his good condition after these
I’m also very sorry, in Japan, we(audience) are not allowed to record videos of shows and take photos. I hope some news organizations will update articles about the show on the internet."
Стеф катал "Травиату" и получил больше всех аплодисментов!
И дорожку из "Телля" ещё катал на бис .(спасибо, девочки
- я впопыхах неправильно прочитала)
В Японии нельзя снимать шоу, но завтра шоу у них будут показывать
по ТВ (канал KTV, 19:00 -19:55)
Может быть у кого-то есть контакты с японскими фанами? Чтобы они
запись с ТВ сделали.