рейтинг блогов

Мой топ-топ, медведь, изнасилует тебя, убьёт и съест, потому что нехуй

топ 100 блогов bset_ov_halv14.12.2013

Мой топ-топ, медведь, изнасилует тебя, убьёт и съест, потому что нехуй

1. A Pregnant Light - Domination Harmony / Stars Will Fall
2. Matt Elliott - Only Myocardial Infarction Can Break Your Heart
3. Chelsea Wolfe - Pain is Beauty
4. The Black Heart Rebellion - Har Nevo
5. Locrian - Return To Annihilation
6. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Specter at the Feast
7. Oathbreaker - Eros Anteros
8. Dead Meadow - Warble Womb
9. Pillowfight - Pillowfight
10. Obscure Sphinx - Void Mother

for 25:

11. Оцепеневшие & Вирь - За Hожом
12. Peste Noire - Peste Noire
13. Dirtmusic - Troubles
14. Eleleth - Theothanatology
15. Dva Damas - Nightshade
16. Darkthrone - The Underground Resistance
17. CHVRCHES - The Bones Of What We Believe
18. Ecocide - When Will It End
19. Cult Of Luna - 2013 - Vertikal / Vertikal II
20. Blixa Bargeld - Still smiling
21. Light Bearer - Silver Tongue
22. Sadhaka - Terma
23. Devendra Banhart - Mala
24. The Pod - Faded Memory From A Dying Sun
25. The Body - Christs, Redeemers

for 50:

26. King Krule - 6 Feet Beneath The Moon
27. Year Of No Light - Tocsin
28. Wolvserpent - Perigea Antahkarana
29. Федоров и Крузенштерн - Быть Везде
30. Occultist - Death Sigils
31. Vatican Shadow - Remember Your Black Day
32. Oranssi Pazuzu - Valonielu
33. Dale Cooper Quartet and the Dictaphones - Quatorze Pieces de Menace
34. Adult - The Way Things Fall
35. Infinite Void - Infinite Void
36. Comadre - Comadre
37. Altaar - Altaar
38. Hesperian Death Horse - Mrtav
39. A Dead Forest Index - Antique
40. Miss Li - Wolves
41. Sundrugs - Hidden Scenes
42. Leucosis - Leucosis
43. The Black Dog - Tranklements
44. Hierophant - Great Mother - Holy Monster
45. MAKE - Demos and Outtakes
46. Rob Zombie - Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor
47. Queens of the Stone Age - Like Clockwork
48. Hessian - Manegarmr
49. Karl Hyde - Edgeland
50. A Place To Bury Strangers - Strange Moon EP

other 50:

51. Destierro - Orlog
52. The Strokes - Comedown Machine
53. Blut Aus Nord - What Once Was... Liber III
54. Mr.Kitty - LIFE
55. Ildjarn & Hate Forest - Those Once Mighty Fallen
56. Lebanon Hanover - Tomb For Two
57. Preterite - From The Wells
58. Kультура Kурения - Некрофилия
59. Celeste - Animale(s)
60. Tropic Of Cancer - Restless Idylls
61. Arabrot - Arabrot
62. Kinit Her - The Poet & The Blue Flower
63. Lakes - Blood Of The Grove
64. Babyshambles - Sequel To The Prequel
65. Ceramic Dog - Your turn
66. David Lynch - The Big Dream
67. Pet Shop Boys - Electric
68. All Pigs Must Die - Nothing Violates This Nature
69. Terminal Sound System - A Sun Spinning Backwards
70. Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Push The Sky Away
71. Johnny Marr - The Messenger
72. Empire Of The Sun - Ice On The Dune
73. Heirs - Hunter EP
74. Леонид Федоров - Если его нет
75. Psychic Ills - One Track Mind
76. High Tension - High Tension EP
77. Cheese People - Mediocre Ape. One & Two.
78. Locust - You'll Be Safe Forever
79. Njiqahdda - Around the Covers EP
80. Mazzy Star - Seasons of Your Day
81. Mount Moriah - Miracle Temple
82. Echtra - Sky Burial
83. Prurient - Through The Window
84. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires Of The City
85. Crime and the City Solution - American Twilight
86. Neils Children - Dimly Lit
87. The Haxan Cloak - Excavation
88. Implodes - Recurring Dream
89. Ash Borer - Bloodlands
90. Primal Scream - More Light
91. Terra Tenebrosa - The Purging
92. The Asphodells - Ruled By Passion, Destroyed By Lust
93. Saaad - Orbs and Channels
94. Year Of No Light - Vampyr
95. The Cult of Dom Keller - The Cult of Dom Keller
96. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Mosquito
97. Ведьма Под Морфина Гидрохлоридом - Проходные Системы
98. Anatomy of Habit - Anatomy of Habit
99. Alkahest - Churning The Ocean
100.Eibon - Eibon II

Honorable mention:

Var - No One Dances Quite Like My Brothers
Zorge - Что мы знаем о равновесии
Burzum - Sôl Austan, Mâni Vestan
Black Sabbath - 13
Plastic Violins Of Darkness - Plastic Violins Of Darkness
Palms - Palms
Jex Thoth - Blood Moon Rise
Боровик Ералаш - Вещий схрон
Tricky - False Idols
НОМ - В мире животных
Сруб - По грибы
New Order - Lost Sirens (Outtakes)
Man's Gin - Rebellion Hymns
4 Позиции Бруно - Восьмая позиция. 1000% Токсик Рэйв
A Storm of Light - Nations to Flames
Altar Of Plagues - Teethed Glory And Injury
Aanipaa - Through A Pre-Memory
Arcade Fire - Reflektor
Blood Bright Star - Solar Infinite
Arckanum - Fenris Kindir
Anteater - Oxygen
Jon Hopkins - Immunity
David Bowie - The Next Day
Jarboe & The Sweet Meat Love And Holy Cult - Mystagogue
Emika - DVA
Fuck Buttons - Slow Focus
Geomatik & Lagowski - Cosmochemistry
Giles Corey - Hinterkaifeck
Domovoyd - Oh, Sensibility
Koloss - Empower The Monster
Locktender - Kafka
Olivier Libaux - Uncovered QOTSA
Paysage d'Hiver - Das Tor
Pharmakon - Abandon


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