Мне тут кто-то из френдов обещался помочь с карточной

топ 100 блогов kot_kam28.05.2012 Мне тут кто-то из френдов обещался помочь с карточной терминологией. Потому что сам я даже в дурака толком не играл, и мои познания в области карт распространяются не дальше названий мастей. Под катом – цитаты из книги, непонятные термины выделены ?? в начале и в конце. Если не знаете, как это называется по-русски, то хотя бы объясните, о чем идет речь, термины я отыщу.

Game of corners - trick-taking card game, similar to euchre (юкер), where you have a partner and take tricks.

«It was just a friendly game, a drab a ??hand??, ??double for a counterfeit??, but coin-poor as I was, any stakes were high. Luckily, Manet played with the precision of a gear-clock: no ??mislaid tricks??, no ??wild bids??, no ??hunches??… Manet and I were ten hands ahead, largely due to Simmon’s tendency to enthusiastically ??overbid??».

«While my mind was occupied, I misplayed and we lost another hand, putting us ??down four in a row?? with a ??forfeit?? besides».

«Since she was sitting across the table from me, she was going to be my partner.
“What do you usually play for?” she asked.
“Depends,” Wil said. “Sometimes we play by the hand. Sometimes by the set.”
“For a ??set of hands?? then.”»

«The first hand went fairly well. Denna ??mislaid a trick??, but we couldn’t have won anyway, as the cards were against us. But the second hand she made a mistake ??in the bidding??. Then, when Sim corrected her, she got flustered and bid wildly. Then she accidentally ??led out of turn??, not a huge mistake, but she led the jack of hearts, which let everyone know exactly what sort of hand she had. She realized it too, and I heard her mutter something distinctly unladylike under her breath.
True to their word, Wil and Sim moved in ruthlessly to take advantage of the situation. Given the weak cards in my hand, there wasn’t much I could do but sit and watch as they won the next two ??tricks?? and began to close on her like hungry wolves.
Except they couldn’t. She ??pulled a clever card force??, then produced the king of hearts, which didn’t make any sense as she’d tried to lead the jack before. Then she produced the ace, too.
I realized her fumbling misplay had been an act slightly before Wil and Sim.
She ??mopped up?? the rest of the hand relentlessly, and it gave us such a solid lead that the rest of the set was a forgone conclusion. Denna never missed a trick after that».

Другая игра – breath. На что похожа – неизвестно.

«Simmon proceeded to ??take four tricks in a row?? with a ??clever card force??, and by the end of the hand he was smiling again».

Буду весьма признателен за помощь.

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