Лэптоп Хантера

топ 100 блогов yakov_a_jerkov27.02.2024 В продолжение "Как Байден получил взятку от Бурисмы".

Это очень важная тема, и показательно то, насколько мало о ней говорят. Например, в ЖЖ я вообще ничего об этом не видел.

Я хочу всем порекомендовать прочитать небольшую статью сиониста Маршалла, соответственно озаглавленную We were told that Russia’s effort to meddle in the 2016 election was obviously bad. And Rudy Giuliani’s dumpster diving in Ukraine and other parts of the former USSR in 2018 and 2019, which led to Donald Trump’s first impeachment, was probably hoovering up Russian disinformation too. But that was then. Now we’re on to Hunter Biden, obviously the troubled son of a powerful politician whose life skidded into a longterm fugue of drugs and alcohol. That wasn’t real. This is. That was then. This is now. Stop bringing up Russia every time you don’t like a story! This Hunter Biden story is real. But really what we see now, which many of us long suspected, is that this is one ongoing influence operation now going back almost a decade.В этом суть дела, лэптоп Хантера, взятка Джо — это все звенья одной операции!

Как отмечает Маршалл, история с лэптопом Хантера с самого начала made no sense:
For years I’ve continued saying, against what seems like the unified thinking of every reporter, editorialist and credentialed smart person, that the fabled “Hunter Biden Laptop” was obviously the product of a Russian influence operation. The story was absurd on its face. Somehow Hunter Biden decided in a drugged-up fugue that he needed to take his laptop to a computer repair shop. He then forgot about it. The legally blind owner of the repair shop decided to crack it open and look at the files (as one does, of course) and then somehow managed to get the contents to Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon.

Sounds totally legit, as they say!
Контрагрумент — но ведь email'ы с лэптопа настоящие — не является контраргументом. Как пишет все тот же Маршалл, email'ы DNC тоже были настоящими. Что никоим образом не отменяет того, что они были украдены российскими спецслужбами. Конкретным российским сотрудникам спецслужб Мюллер предъявил обвинения!

Самое удручающее во всем этом то, насколько уязвимым для подобных манипуляций является американское общество. Не только какие-то недалекие люди становятся их жертвами, но и самые респектабельные либеральные журналисты.

Слово Маршаллу:
And yet basically everybody and I mean everybody ended up falling for this. Indeed, the very brief efforts to remain wary of the laptop story in the final days of the 2020 election have evolved into an object case of the dangers of censorship and even liberal media election meddling. It’s a decision — albeit one lasting only a few days — that everyone now agrees “we got wrong.” It was the centerpiece of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” nonsense. But Elon Musk going in for it isn’t the point. He’s a clown. All the serious people ended up doing exactly the same. This has always been bullshit. Media organizations at first wouldn’t touch the story because they’d spent the previous four years kicking themselves for allowing themselves to become the promoters of a Russian election interference and disinformation campaign with the purloined DNC emails back in 2016. Since the Hunter Biden laptop stories had all the hallmarks of exactly the same thing somehow happening to pop up in the final days of the 2020, of course they were suspicious.
И процитирую заключительную часть статьи:
[...] we can’t really say Republicans and MAGA Republicans were duped. And that’s 100% right. The evolution of U.S. politics, egged along, skid-greased by helpful Russians, created a context in U.S. politics where these folks didn’t really have to be duped. The Russians under Putin are the good guys. If they’re making sure we have the most current information where’s the harm in that?

The real issue, as I note above, is the reporters, editorialists and commentators, who vouched for and credited this whole edifice of lies and bullshit.


This entire thing has been based on Russian plants and intelligence operations from the start. Every bit of it. It’s been obvious. And yet, well … they’re all dupes. Somehow almost a decade after this whole thing started we’re shocked to see, wow, Weiss’s office was being led around by another cat’s paw of the Russian intelligence services. We’re shocked. But why are we shocked? Every last person among the serious people of the nation’s capital and the sprawling thing called elite received opinion has egg on their face. And it’s not even clear they fully realize it yet.

Эта запись в DW: https://yakov-a-jerkov.dreamwidth.org/2174692.html

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