Designing Power Supplies for Tube Amplifiers - наконец обработал!

топ 100 блогов nabbla128.11.2023 Отсканил её ещё в 2016 году, и, как выяснилось, так и не обработал, и никто её не обработал, по крайней мере, поиском ничего похожего не обнаруживалось.

Designing Power Supplies for Tube Amplifiers - наконец обработал! blencowe_preview.png

Тогда я давал ссылку на 2-гигабайтный архив сканов. Теперь - пдф-ка на 14,9 МБ:
яндекс.диск, рутрекер


1. Power Transformers

  • Earthing and safety
  • Mains voltage
  • Transformer operation
  • Transformer losses

    • Saturation

  • Types of transformers
  • Transformer ratings

    • Transformer regulation

  • Testing transformers

    • Voltages
    • Phasing
    • Power and current capability
    • Inductance

2. Rectification

  • Basic rectifier theory

    • The reservoir capacitor
    • Ripple voltage
    • Ripple current
    • DC magnetisation
    • Power factor and VA ratings

  • Half-wave rectification
  • Full-wave rectification

    • Two-phase rectifiers

  • Voltage rating of rectifier diodes
  • Current rating of rectifier diodes
  • Reverse recovery and switching noise
  • Relative output voltages of rectifier circuits
  • Mathematical treatment of capacitor-input rectifiers

    • Ripple voltage
    • Ripple current

  • Rectifiers with series resistance, and valve rectifiers

    • DC output voltage of rectifiers with series resistance
    • Ripple current in rectifiers with series resistance

  • Characteristics of valve rectifiers

    • Maximum current ratings
    • Maximum reservoir capacitance
    • Limiting resistance
    • Heaters
    • Switching noise
    • Warm-up time
    • Valve rectifier load regulation and sag

  • Choke-input rectifiers

    • Theory of choke-input rectifiers

  • Some worked examples

3. Voltage Multipliers

  • Half-wave voltage doubler
  • Full-wave voltage doubler
  • Full-wave voltage tripler
  • Full-wave voltage quadrupler
  • 1.5x voltage multiplier
  • Obtaining multiple voltages from one transformer

4. Smoothing, Filtering and Decoupling

  • Resistor-capacitor (RC) smoothing

    • n-th order RC filters
    • Filter chains
    • High-frequency performance

  • Inductor-capacitor (LC) smoothing

    • Avoiding resonance in LC filters
    • n-th order LC filters
    • Tuned LC filters
    • Practical chokes
    • Gyrators or simulated inductors

5. Switching and Fusing

  • Fuses
  • Mains fusing
  • Secondary fusing

    • Fuse status indicator

  • Switching

    • Mains switching
    • Secondary switching

  • Standby switches
  • Standby switch myths

    • Cathode stripping
    • Cathode poisoning

  • Some better standby switches

    • Automatic soft start

6. Shunt Voltage Stabilisers

  • Line and load regulation
  • Shunt stabilisation
  • Passive shunt stabilisers

    • Zener diodes
    • Avalanch and Zener effects
    • Dynamic resistance of diodes
    • Directionality of zener diodes
    • Amplified zener

  • Cold-cathode, glow discharge stabilisers

    • Principle of operation
    • Gas stabiliser tubes
    • Neon lamps

  • Designing passive shunt stabilisers using load lines
  • High voltage, active shunt stabilisers

    • Simple feedforward, fixed bias, valve shunt stabiliser
    • Simple feedforward, cathode bias, valve shunt stabiliser
    • The King stabiliser

  • Feedback shunt stabilisers
  • Basic operation of feedback stabilisers
  • Simple, feedback shunt stabiliser
  • Cascode and pentode feedback shunt stabilisers
  • Two-valve shunt stabilisers
  • Feedback King regulator
  • Hunt and Hickman regulator

7. Series Voltage Stabilisers

  • Cooling and heat sinking

    • Mounting the device
    • Cooling and layout

  • Series stabilisation

    • The capacitor multiplier
    • Designing a BJT capacitor multiplier
    • Cascoding devices
    • Designing a MOSFET capacitor multiplier
    • Darlington arrangements

  • Current limiting

    • Passive constant-current limiting
    • Active constant-current limiting
    • Foldback current limiting

  • Zener-follower stabilisers
  • Cascaded stabilisers
  • Feedback series stabilisers

    • Simple transistor series regulators
    • More advanced transistor series regulators
    • Adding constant-current sources and sinks

  • Semi-integrated regulators

    • High-voltage semi integrated regulator
    • Multiple opamp-buffered nodes

  • Voltage-regulator ICs

    • Adjusting the output voltage
    • Regulator ICs at high voltages
    • Hybrid three-pin regulator

  • Valve series stabilisers

    • Valve series voltage regulators
    • SRPP series-shunt valve regulator

8. Valve Bias Supplies

  • Charge time and blown fuses
  • Voltage stabilisation and regulation
  • Bias adjustment and balancing

    • Bias voltage adjustment
    • Bias balance adjustment

  • Traditional bias supply

    • Full-wave traditional bias supply

  • Capacitor-coupled bias supply
  • Auxiliary transformer bias supply
  • Back biasing

9. Valve Heater Supplies

  • AC heater supplies
  • Series and parallel heater operation
  • Heaters and hum

    • Magnetic interference and lead dress
    • Electric field (capacitative) interference
    • Rectifier-induced heater hum
    • Electrical heater balancing
    • Heater-cathode leakage and heater elevation

  • Dropping heater voltage
  • DC heaters

    • Unstabilised heater supplies

  • Stabilised DC heater supplies

    • Regulated, 1A DC heater supply
    • Regulated, ЗА DC heater supply
    • Regulated, 5A DC heater supply
    • Constant-current DC heater supply

  • Universal heater supplies for popular dual triodes

10. Voltage Control

  • Mains voltage control
  • Secondary voltage control
  • Output-power control for guitar amps

    • Power and perceived loudness

  • Simple power reduction
  • Power reduction by proportional voltage control
  • Variable-voltage circuits

    • Voltage and power limitations

  • Power adjustment circuit for cathode-biased amps
  • Power-adjustment circuit for fixed-biased amps

    • Bias tracking

  • Practical application of power reduction circuits


Это я наконец-то вернулся к проектированию источника питания для "изделия", а там требования по помехам очень злобные, со 100 кГц допустимы пульсации по входной шине питания не более милливольта ПО АМПЛИТУДЕ. И чего-то мне вспомнилось, что я в этой книжке читал о разных необычных фильтрах. Только вот незадача, книжка не у меня, а в электронном виде, как оказалось, только эти необработанные сканы... В итоге оказалось, что память меня подвела, той схемки, о которой я подумал, тут не было, где-то ещё я её видел...

PS. Раз уж такая пьянка, на днях и второе издание Designing Tube Amplifiers for Guitar and Bass тоже обработаю.

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