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Вот блог Друзей новой свободной Ливии. Тут:
Public Movement Russian Friends of New Free Libya to support Libya's TNC and coalition forces: 167 peoples have signed.
Dear friends,
We, citizens of Russia, can no longer passively watch the wild witch-hunt for TNC and coalition forces . Anti-Americanism and hatred for NATO are extremely common in Russia, but in case of Libya it takes just a dangerous form.
There are a lot of adherents of traditional tyranny in the RF. They distort the information space. They prevent common people from understanding what is happening in Libya. The adherents of tyranny create a false impression in the world, as if Russia does not have any friends of TNC and NATO. That is not true.
Public movement Russian Friends of New Free Libya has been initiated here in Russia.
We have placed a letter in support for TNS/coalition forces on the most popular blog platform in Russia (Livejournal.com). This collection of signatures has been among the top themes of Russian blogosphere. At least 15 000 people have found out existence of alternative points of view in respect of Libya. The collection of signatures has brought 1500 comments from bloggers.
The letter is already signed by 167 people. This number may be considered as not too big, but not in case of Russia. For Russia the number of people who dared to have signed is huge and impressive. For people are both misinformed and afraid to put their signatures. Each signature means a well considered personal position, it is a challenge to the anti-Western mood.
The letter and the list of signors in English will be placed in this blog later.
The initial variant in Russian: http://alex-mos-cow.livejournal.com/466600.html
We just want to let the world know that there are people in Russia too who support freedom for Libya.
Sincerely yours
Alexander Korovin,
Project Coordinator
And 166 signors more
It would be greatly appreciated if you could help us disseminating information about our support for new Libya, or let us know contacts of organizations that could help us spreading in Russia true and unbiassed coverage of the events in Libya.