Astronomy quiz
lola777 — 04.02.2011 Что-то я начинаю сомневаться, что я могу справиться с такой загрузкой - работать и учиться фулл-тайм. У меня уже мозг не варит от недосыпа, теперь пишу неправильно многие слова, детали вообще перестала замечать и даже стала иногда вместо женских в мужские туалеты заходить(зрительный рецепторы тоже плохо работать стали ;).Зато у нас каждую неделю по астрономии тест и я наконец-то 12 из 12 набрала. Если кто хочет
Astronomy Advanced Quiz
Question 1
If the Earth did not rotate, we could still define the _________ but we could not define the _________.
Choose one answer.
a. ecliptic; celestial equator
b. celestial poles; ecliptic
c. meridian; ecliptic
d. zenith; horizon
e. horizon; zenith
Question 2
Which of the following is/are happening?
Choose one answer.
a. The Solar System is expanding.
b. The Milky Way galaxy is expanding.
c. The Local Group is expanding.
d. The Local Supercluster is expanding.
e. All of the above.
Question 3
The city of Mumbai, in India, is at a latitude of 19° North. The mid-day Sun passes directly overhead (zenith) as seen from Mumbai on
Choose one answer.
a. one day in June.
b. two days in March and September.
c. two days in May and July.
d. all 365 days of the year.
e. None of the above. The Sun never crosses the zenith as seen from the latitude of Mumbai.
Question 4
Is the star Polaris visible from Earth's equator?
Choose one answer.
a. No, it is never visible from the equator.
b. Yes, it's sometimes barely above the northern horizon as seen from the equator.
c. Yes, it is always visible in the northern sky as seen from the equator.
d. Yes, it's sometimes barely above the southern horizon as seen from the equator.
e. Yes, it is always visible in the southern sky as seen from the equator.
Question 5
Approximately how many times has our Solar System gone around the Milky Way galaxy since our Solar System was born?
Choose one answer.
a. 20 times
b. 60 times
c. 230,000 times
d. 230 million times
e. 4.6 billion times
Question 6
Which of the following is not an effect of Earth's precession?
Choose one answer.
a. The positions of the celestial poles change relative to the stars.
b. The position of Polaris changes relative to the stars.
c. The positions of the Sun on the equinoxes change among the stars.
d. The positions of the Sun on the solstices change among the stars.
e. All of the above are effects of Earth's precession.
Question 7
If we set the length of one day equal to the time it takes Earth to spin exactly once on its axis, then
Choose one answer.
a. we would need many more leap years.
b. we would no longer need leap years.
c. every year would need to be a day longer than it is now.
d. every year would need to be a day shorter than it is now.
e. nothing would change. The length of a day is already set to this.
Question 8
The location of the Sun at the moment of the Summer Solstice is a point
Choose one answer.
a. on the celestial equator.
b. on the ecliptic.
c. at the zenith.
d. Both answers A and B are correct.
e. Both Answers B and C are correct.
Question 9
From a middle-north latitude place, such as California, the stars rise
Choose one answer.
a. from the east, slanting toward the left as they rise.
b. from the east, slanting toward the right as they rise.
c. from the west, slanting toward the left as they rise.
d. from the west, slanting toward the right as they rise.
e. straight up from the east.
Question 10
At its closest possible approach to Earth, the angular size of Mars becomes as large as 1/3 of an arcminute. Given that Mars is 6800 km wide, approximately how close does Mars pass to Earth?
Choose one answer.
a. 660 km
b. 20,400 km
c. 66,000 km
d. 70 million km
e. 4.2 billion km
Question 11
If you observe the north celestial pole to be 60° above the northern horizon, what is your latitude on Earth?
Choose one answer.
a. 30° N
b. 60° N
c. 83½° N
d. 36½° N
e. None of the above.
Question 12
The latitude of Boston, Massachusetts, is 42½° North. On the day of the Summer Solstice, how high does the Sun reach in the sky as seen from Boston at mid-day?
Choose one answer.
a. 90°
b. 71°
c. 47½°
d. 42½°
e. 23½°
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