barskaya — 14.02.2022 Ascension - (Bible) New Testament the passing of Jesus Christ from earth into heaven / (Библия) Новый Завет о переходе Иисуса Христа с земли на небеса"Greetings, Your Majesty. I am Intergalactic Advocate Bob here to assist you through the Ascension Process"
to express agreement as to a plan; concur; consent: She nodded her assent.
assent (əˈsɛnt)
1. agreement, as to a statement, proposal, etc; acceptance
2. hesitant agreement; compliance
3. sanction
(usually foll by: to) to agree or express agreement
Acceptance - 7. Law The demonstration of agreement with the terms and conditions of another's offer so that the offer becomes a contract between the two parties.