арест и расстрел развратника ежова

топ 100 блогов uzhas_sovka13.10.2011 http://abcnews.go.com/US/cdc-official-charged-child-molestation-bestiality/story?id=14713259

Kimberly Lindsey, 44, a deputy director at CDC, is charged
with child molestation and bestiality for two incidences
involving a 6-year-old child. Lindsey's live-in boyfriend,
Thomas Westerman, 42, is also being charged with child molestation.

The pair is accused of involving the child in their sex acts,
including allowing the boy to spank Lindsey's nude buttocks
and let him use an electric sex toy on her,
according to warrants issued for their arrests.

арест и расстрел развратника ежова

Lindsey is also accused of performing sexual acts with two pets.

Lindsey holds a doctoral degree in immunology
and molecular pathogenesis from Emory University
and a bachelor's degree in molecular biology from the University of Central Florida.

Lindsey has also worked as a senior scientist with
the Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program
and served as a senior health scientist in the
Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response.
Her primary role as the senior scientist was to
provide "oversight of the $1.5 billion fiscal allocation
process for Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response funding agency wide".

* * *

On May 18, 2011, the CDC issues a guide on its blog
telling people how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse.


The CDC announced a contest for the most creative and
effective videos covering preparedness for a zombie apocalypse
or apocalypse of any kind. In this video contest, the CDC challenged
contestants to upload videos to YouTube demonstrating how
they are preparing for emergency situations such as floods,
earthquakes, hurricanes and zombie attacks.

Submission are open until October 11, 2011.

* * *

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