Американская хроника
![топ 100 блогов](/media/images/default.jpg)
![Американская хроника The Bikini A-bomb test was called a very vital success by Brigadier General Roger Ramey.jpg Американская хроника The Bikini A-bomb test was called a very vital success by Brigadier General Roger Ramey.jpg](/images/main/amerikanskaya-hronika-e3b742.jpg?from=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6440/10706545.600/0_83d5d_68fb68c0_XXL.jpg)
Тысячи игроков в бинго в церкви Святого Воскресения в Бронксе
![Американская хроника Tables full of cards are overseen by hundreds of bingo players in games sponsored by the Bronx Church of the Holy Resurrection.jpg Американская хроника Tables full of cards are overseen by hundreds of bingo players in games sponsored by the Bronx Church of the Holy Resurrection.jpg](/images/main/amerikanskaya-hronika-219055.jpg?from=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6702/10706545.600/0_83d5a_ffc3fb6e_XXL.jpg)
Геликсометр используется для исследований оружия в технических лабораториях ФБР
![Американская хроника The Helixometer is used to examine the interior of a suspected weapon in the technical laboratories of the FBI.jpg Американская хроника The Helixometer is used to examine the interior of a suspected weapon in the technical laboratories of the FBI.jpg](/images/main/amerikanskaya-hronika-58228c.jpg?from=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4128/10706545.600/0_83d5f_13965ed_orig.jpg)
Возрождение нард заставило членов Miramar Club в Санта-Монике, Калифорния, изобрести пляжную версию игры
![Американская хроника The revival of backgammon leads members of the Miramar Club in Santa Monica, California, to invent a beachside version of the game.jpg Американская хроника The revival of backgammon leads members of the Miramar Club in Santa Monica, California, to invent a beachside version of the game.jpg](/images/main/amerikanskaya-hronika-7c4ac2.jpg?from=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5644/10706545.600/0_83d60_982da59d_orig.jpg)
Молодые люди проверяются врачами Beth-El Hospital перед отправкой в Brownsville Boys Club Summer Camp
![Американская хроника Youngsters preparing to attend the Brownsville Boys Club Summer Camp are checked out by doctors at the Beth-El Hospital.jpg Американская хроника Youngsters preparing to attend the Brownsville Boys Club Summer Camp are checked out by doctors at the Beth-El Hospital.jpg](/images/main/amerikanskaya-hronika-4ba3c2.jpg?from=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4117/10706545.601/0_83d90_5894e630_orig.jpg)
Два певца отстали от своих козоводов и теперь им не с кем колядовать
![Американская хроника Two singers break off from the main groups of Christmas carolers who were stationed all along Park Avenue from 68th to 86th Streets.jpg Американская хроника Two singers break off from the main groups of Christmas carolers who were stationed all along Park Avenue from 68th to 86th Streets.jpg](/images/main/amerikanskaya-hronika-be19c1.jpg?from=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5647/10706545.604/0_83e26_ee898a94_orig.jpg)
Гонщики наслаждаются популярным аттракционом
![Американская хроника With the park now open, riders enjoy the popular bobsled attraction.jpg Американская хроника With the park now open, riders enjoy the popular bobsled attraction.jpg](/images/main/amerikanskaya-hronika-502b57.jpg?from=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6432/10706545.604/0_83e2a_b7919473_orig.jpg)
Работа на конвейере на заводе Chrysler Corporation в Детройте, штат Мичиган
![Американская хроника Working on the assembly line in the Chrysler Corporation plant in Detroit, Michigan.jpg Американская хроника Working on the assembly line in the Chrysler Corporation plant in Detroit, Michigan.jpg](/images/main/amerikanskaya-hronika-37797b.jpg?from=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4134/10706545.604/0_83e31_722f5b_orig.jpg)
Делюкс модель ядерного бомбоубежища способного защитить большие или маленькие семьи в Гарден-Сити, Нью-Йорк
![Американская хроника A deluxe model H-bomb shelter capable of protecting large or small families is lowered into position in a demonstration in Garden City, New York.jpg Американская хроника A deluxe model H-bomb shelter capable of protecting large or small families is lowered into position in a demonstration in Garden City, New York.jpg](/images/main/amerikanskaya-hronika-0be8f4.jpg?from=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5632/10706545.604/0_83e35_6b9e956b_orig.jpg)
Призывник проходит рентген во время призывной комиссии
![Американская хроника A draftee undergoes an X-ray as part of his induction physical into the U.S. Army.jpg Американская хроника A draftee undergoes an X-ray as part of his induction physical into the U.S. Army.jpg](/images/main/amerikanskaya-hronika-fd031b.jpg?from=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6424/10706545.604/0_83e36_cff46909_orig.jpg)
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