
топ 100 блогов yudkevich07.09.2010 Лето кончилось а я не то что не сошел с ума, но даже и не устал за лето, поэтому сейчас начнутся посты про курсы, учебу, шпаргалки и всякие иные академические вещи.

Кстати, из-за постов про тучки, облачка, озера и китайцев куча народу вынесла меня из своих френдлент и я их понимаю, и примерно столько же добавило.

Итак, про преподавание:
новость первая - очень приятно сообщить, что весь октябрь в Высшей школе экономики проведет профессор университета Джорджа Мейсона Джон Най (John Nye). В частности, Джон будет вести интенсивный курс-исследовательский семинар Graduate Workshop in Institutions and History.

Если честно, то я заранее предвкушаю это большое удовольствие.

До 20 сентября открыта запись на участие в курсе.
Курс предназначен для магистров и аспирантов.
длительность курса - 30 аудиторных часов + интенсивная подготовка к занятиям.
но, поверьте, оно того стоит.

для предварительной записи на курс необходимо прислать CV и двухстраничное описание (на английском!) исследовательского проекта по адресу yudkevich at hse.ru до 20 сентября.

This will be a course in writing and presenting work in economic history and institutions with a special emphasis on Powerpoint presentations. We will be reading a mix of classic and recently published works with a special emphasis on historical research that illuminates important debates in institutional economics. We may add or delete readings as the class progresses.

You will be expected to present and discuss at least two of these papers and also to present your own research ideas at the end of the course. Each class, a number of papers will be assigned. Two students will be required to make parallel and independent 15 minute Powerpoint presentations for each paper. The paper will then be discussed by the whole class with the student presenters having special responsibility for answering questions about the material.

. I. Contracting Basics
Joskow, P. 1987 “Contract Duration and Relationship Specific Investments” AER Williamson, O. “Credible commitments: Using Hostages to Support Exchange” 1983 AER.

Klein, Crawford, and Alchian, 1978 “Vertical Integration, Appropriable Rents and the Competitive Contracting Process,” JLE

II. Do Institutions Matter? Rodrik, Subramanian and Trebbi, “Institutions Rule: The Primacy of Institutions Over Geography and Integration in Economic Development”
Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson, 2001 “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development” AER
Albouy, David. 2010 “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Investigation of the Settler Mortality Data.” Working paper. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~albouy/AJRreinvestigation/AJRrev.pdf
Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson, 2005 “The Rise of Europe” AER

III. Coalitions and reputation in history Greif, “Reputation and Coalitions in Medieval Trade” JEH 1989
Greif, “Contract Enforcement and Institutions Among the Maghribi: Refuting Edwards and Ogilvie” working paper
Edwards and Ogilvie, “Contract Enforcement, Institutions, and Social Capital” working paper

IV. Genetics, Nutrition, and Economic Development
Greg Clark “The Long March of History: Farm Wages, Population and Economic Growth, England 1209-1869” Economic History Review, 60(1) (February, 2007): 97-136.
Greg Clark “Genetically Capitalist? The Malthusian Era, Institutions and the Formation of Modern Preferences” Working paper http://www.econ.ucdavis.edu/faculty/gclark/papers/Capitalism%20Genes.pdf
Nathan Nunn, 2010 "The Potato's Contribution to Population and Urbanization: Evidence from an Historical Experiment" (with Nancy Qian), Quarterly Journal of Economics, forthcoming.

V. France III: Scale, size, and management
Landes, 1949. “French Entrepreneurship and Industrial Growth in the Nineteenth Century” JEH.
Nye, 1987. "Firm Size and Industrial Backwardness: A New Look at the French Industrialization Debate," JEH September.
Kinghorn and Nye, 1997 “The Scale of Production in Western Economic Development” JEH.

VI. Firms and Management in History
Eric Hilt, “When did Ownership Separate from Control? Corporate Governance in the Early Nineteenth Century" The Journal of Economic History, Volume 68, Issue 03, September 2008, pp 645-685
Leslie Hannah, “Logistics, Market Size, and Giant Plants in the Early Twentieth Century: A Global View” The Journal of Economic History, Volume 68, Issue 01, March 2008, pp 46-79 VII. Property Rights and transactions costs in history
Richard Hornbeck, "Barbed Wire: Property Rights and Agricultural Development," forthcoming, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2010.
Nathan Nunn, "Relationship-Specificity, Incomplete Contracts and the Pattern of Trade," Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 122, No. 2, May 2007, pp. 569-600.
Gary Libecap and Dean Lueck “THE DEMARCATION OF LAND AND THE ROLE OF COORDINATING INSTITUTIONS: Libecap Lueck paperfinal.pdf

VIII. Index Problems
Djankov, La Porta, Lopez, and Shleifer, 2002 “The Regulation of Entry” QJE Arrunada, 2007 “Pitfalls to Avoid When Measuring the Institutional Environment: Is ‘Doing Business’ Damaging Business?” Journal of Comparative Economics. IX. Technology and Economic Growth
William D. Nordhaus “Two Centuries of Productivity Growth in Computing.” The Journal of Economic History, Volume 67, Issue 01, March 2007, pp 128-159
Joel Mokyr "The Political Economy of Technological Change: Resistance and Innovation in Economic history" in Maxine Bergand Kristin Bruland, eds., Technological Revolutions in Europe, Cheltenham:Edward Elgar Publishers, 1998, pp. 39-64.
"Knowledge, Technology,and Economic Growth During the Industrial Revolution. " Forthcomingin Bart Van Ark and Gerard Kuper, eds., Technology and Productivity Growth.The Hague: Kluwert, 2000.
"The Enduring Riddle of The European Miracle: The Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution". Presented to the all University of California Conference on Economic Convergence and Divergence in Historical Perspective, Irvine, Nov. 8-10 2002.

Additional Readings:
Mark Dincecco “Fiscal Centralization, Limited Government, and Public Revenues in Europe, 1650–1913” The Journal of Economic History, Volume 69, Issue 01, March 2009, pp 48-103 C.
Knick Harley, “Steers Afloat: The North Atlantic Meat Trade, Liner Predominance, and Freight Rates, 1870–1913” The Journal of Economic History, Volume 68, Issue 04, December 2008, pp 1028-1058
Marc Flandreau and Juan H. Flores, “Bonds and Brands: Foundations of Sovereign Debt Markets, 1820–1830” The Journal of Economic History, Volume 69, Issue 03, September 2009, pp 646-684
Fabian Lange, Alan L. Olmstead and Paul W. Rhode, “The Impact of the Boll Weevil, 1892–1932” The Journal of Economic History, Volume 69, Issue 03, September 2009, pp 685-718
Lee J. Alston, Shannan Mattiace and Tomas Nonnenmacher “Coercion, Culture, and Contracts: Labor and Debt on Henequen Haciendas in Yucat?n, Mexico, 1870–1915.” The Journal of Economic History, Volume 69, Issue 01, March 2009, pp 104-137

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27.08.2010 Сеул
Архив записей в блогах:
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