Всем Хантерам/Ган овнерам привет от Либералов.

топ 100 блогов torontoru19.04.2016 Долго ждать даже не пришлось, первая попытка нападения на law abiding gun owner и решение несуществующей проблемы в Канаде, на примере страшилок Южного соседа:

Bill S-223
Liberals introduce Senate Bill S-223, includes new firearms restrictions.

Monday, April 18--Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette introduced Bill S-223 on April 12, beginning the Liberal Government's attempt to further restrict firearms in Canada.

The bill would change the "Restricted" category to "Circumscribed", prohibit all firearms except a VERY narrow range of hunting firearms and "localize" the prohibition of restricted firearms.

All types of semi-automatic firearms (except .22s) would be restricted/prohibited. No one would be allowed to move circumscribed (restricted/prohibited) guns except approved "Transporters."

Guns would not be "registered" but "inscribed." According to Hervieux-Payette: "You can appreciate that the terms 'registration' and 'registered' have been used so often that we simply thought that using the term 'inscription' would eliminate some anxiety. I think that using the term inscription does not evoke feelings of fear."

The Senator also states: "The firearm death rate in the United States, a country with very weak gun control laws, was 10.3 per 100,000 population in 2011. That amounts to 32,163 deaths in one year, according to the National Vital Statistic Reports from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. That would be the number of deaths if 20 towers, like those of the World Trade Center, were to collapse every year in the United States. There were 2,977 victims on September 11, 2001."

[Note: twenty World Trade Center tragedies would total 59,540, not 32,163.]

Also in the Bill, all restricted/prohibited would be forbidden to transfer.

CSAAA Government Affairs Director Tony Bernardo, is currently working with legal experts to further analyze the more than 79 pages of the Bill.

According to Bernardo, t"he bill cannot receive second reading until the Liberals and the Conservatives speak to the bill. The Liberals are set to speak on April 19 and the Conservative are TBA, but we are watching this closely. Bill S-223 has had a HUGE amount of work put into its creation. It took a number of Department of Justice lawyers a few months of work to create this one – and that is very concerning.
Hi guys. Wrote a letter to my MP(Mark Strahl Con). He replied pretty fast. I'll share what he had to say:
Jamie, thanks for getting in touch! I agree, I have serious concerns with this bill. As it is a Senate bill, there is little that Members of Parliament can do at the time being. It would have to pass in the Senate before coming to the House of Commons, where it would have to pass as well to become law. Additionally, the Senate Liberal who introduced the bill is set to retire on Friday when she reaches the mandatory retirement age of 75. It is unclear whether or not the bill will continue in her absence, as it would have to be sponsored by another Senator. In any case, Conservatives in the Senate have not put forward any speakers on the bill, which is required for it to continue on the legislative process. Many of those Conservative Senators have also spoken out against the bill. Regardless, I know many in our caucus will continue to monitor this bill and any others like it and stand up for the rights of responsible gun owners.

Текст этого... произведения тут: http://www.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=8177232

Как это коснется каждого? Во-первых, введут абсолютно ненужную (доказано снижением преступности с 2012г по статистике) регистрацию для длинноствольного (читай охотничьего) оружия. Это потратит кучу денег налогоплательщика с нулевым выхлопом (проблем сейчас из-за отсутствия регистрации НЕТ!). Во-вторых, это запретит к применению в охоте знаменитого полуавтомата СКС - ударит по всем охотникам. Введет дополнительный "скрытый налог" в виде лицензии "transporters" и конечно же все это просто очередная волна по отбиранию оружия у законопослушных граждан.

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