ПРОДАЮ: iRobot Roomba 790 Vacuum Cleaning Robot (HEPA) for Pets and Allergies,

топ 100 блогов torontoru28.08.2020 В связи с покупкой нового робота-пылесоса продаю старый, полностью исправный, с кучей запасных расходных материалов (см. описание и фотографии под катом).
Продаваемый робот-пылесос был разработан для владельцев собак и кошек, а также для людей с различным аллергиями. В роботе предусмотрен фильтр тонкой очистки, в соответствии со стандартом HEPA.
С свое время этот пылесов был приобретен за 950 CAD + HST.
Цена для сообщников: $200.

Great Condition and Fully Functional!


-Wireless Command Center Remote Control: to schedule and control the Roomba remotely;
-Includes two Lighthouses that can act as virtual wall or to separate rooms;
-Automatically returns and parks on the Home Base to recharge
Full-Bin Indicator will let you know when it is the time to empty the bin;
-Edge/Cliff Sensors will prevent Roomba falling from the stairs
-Two sets of brushes and one Side Arm


- Dual HEPA Filters- Roomba 790's dual HEPA filters trap dust, allergens and tiny particulates leaving behind fresher, cleaner air;
-- 6 unused filters;
-- 2 unused sets of brushes;
-- Round Brush Cleaning Tool;
-- Flat Brush Cleaning Tool;
-- PDD Manuals: Quick Guide, Manual
-- 2 virtual walls (which prevent Roomba from going to undesired areas of your residence or to separate room);
- 3-Stage Cleaning with AeroVac Series 2- Roomba 790 picks up an amazing amount of dirt, pet hair and other debris with its patented 3- stage cleaning system and AeroVac bin;
- Wireless Command Center: makes initiating a cleaning, scheduling and steering Roomba even easier. Using radio frequency technology, you can now command Roomba from any room in your house. Initiate a cleaning, preprogram your cleaning sessions or steer Roomba all from the sleek, lightweight Wireless Command Center.
- On-board scheduling- The robot can be scheduled to perform up to seven cleaning sessions per week, even when you're not home;
- Extended Life Power Management: The robot uses sophisticated power management software that results in 50% longer battery life than previous Roomba generations, ensuring hundreds of cleaning cycles under proper use;
Includes 3 Virtual Wall Lighthouses, Extra Brush Set, Extra Filter Set, Round Brush Cleaning Tool, Flat Brush Cleaning Tool.


3-Stage Cleaning with AeroVac Series 2 – Roomba 790 picks up an amazing amount of dirt, pet hair and other debris with its patented 3-stage cleaning system. A spinning side brush cleans along wall edges, counter-rotating brushes act like a dustpan and broom and a powerful AeroVac Series 2 vacuum pulls dirt, hair, and debris off the brushes to the back of the bin. Roomba 790 uses a new advanced cleaning head which provides superior performance for picking up pet hair, dirt, dust and more.

Dirt Detect Series 2 with Persistent Pass – Dirt Detect Series 2 allows Roomba 790 to clean the way you do. Sensors acoustically find dirt and other debris and optically locate pet hair so Roomba can perform concentrated cleaning on the dirtiest areas with a Persistent Pass cleaning method. Persistent Pass uses a back-and-forth cleaning motion that mimics the way you vacuum, yielding the cleanest possible results.

iAdapt Responsive Navigation Technology – iAdapt is iRobot’s advanced system of software and sensors that allows Roomba to clean more of your room, more thoroughly. It ensures Roomba vacuums every section of your room multiple times, cleaning areas you can’t easily reach including under furniture, around everyday obstacles and along walls. It even avoids stairs and drop-offs, navigates past soft barriers such as couch skirts, recognizes cords and carpet fringe and self-adjusts to clean hardwood, carpet, and linoleum.

Full Bin Indicator – Roomba 790’s full bin indicator light lets you know when the dust bin is full and needs to be emptied.

Extended Life Power Management – The robot uses sophisticated power management software that results in 50% longer battery life than previous Roomba generations, ensuring hundreds of cleaning cycles under proper use.

ПРОДАЮ: iRobot Roomba 790 Vacuum Cleaning Robot (HEPA) for Pets and Allergies,
ПРОДАЮ: iRobot Roomba 790 Vacuum Cleaning Robot (HEPA) for Pets and Allergies,
ПРОДАЮ: iRobot Roomba 790 Vacuum Cleaning Robot (HEPA) for Pets and Allergies,
ПРОДАЮ: iRobot Roomba 790 Vacuum Cleaning Robot (HEPA) for Pets and Allergies,
ПРОДАЮ: iRobot Roomba 790 Vacuum Cleaning Robot (HEPA) for Pets and Allergies,
ПРОДАЮ: iRobot Roomba 790 Vacuum Cleaning Robot (HEPA) for Pets and Allergies,

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