Посвящается тем, кому искусство по барабану

топ 100 блогов toronto_ru14.10.2011 Помнится, у нас тут ряд товарищей выступал против искусства, утверждая, что им это нафиг не сдалось и что они этим не пользуются, посему нафиг не нужно на него никакое финансирование.
Что ж, хотелось показать вам данные по Онтарио о том сколько людей, согласно опросу Ontario Arts Engagement Study, проведённому по инициативе Ontario Arts Council, всё же так или иначе принимают участие в художественной и не только деятельности.
Вы будете удивлены, обнаружив что вы тоже наверняка задействованы. Просто не хотите себе в этом признаться. А если вам по-прежнему всё это по барабану, то я рада отметить тот факт, что вы в меньшинстве.

Media-based arts engagement plays a pivotal role in the overall landscape of arts engagement – 90 per cent of Ontarians listen to music on a local radio station, and 88 per cent of Ontarians read paperback or hardcover books for enjoyment; 75 per cent of Ontarians of age 18 to 34 download music at least once a year or more.

Ontarians place a high value on live arts experiences – While media-based participation is more widespread, Ontarians attach a relatively higher level of importance to attending live events such as visiting art museums and attending plays. For example, among Ontarians who reported visiting an art museum or art gallery at least once in the past year, 80 per cent described this activity as being very important to them.

Many Ontarians actively participate in the arts – expressing themselves through artistic creation and interpretation in a variety of personal activities - 43 per cent of Ontarians dance socially at least one a year, over a third (36 per cent) take photographs with artistic intentions, one quarter paint, draw or make other original art, 24 per cent engage in textile crafts, 24 per cent make other crafts like pottery, jewelry or work with wood, glass or metal, 22 per cent of Ontarians play a musical instrument, 17 per cent write fiction, short stories or poetry, and 14 per cent make original videos or films.

Involvement in participatory activities is linked to attendance at audience-based activities – Overall, people who engage in participatory arts activities are more likely to attend audience or visitor-based activities – sometimes at a rate of two or three times higher than those who do not engage in participatory activities. For example, Ontarians who play a musical instrument attend concerts by professional musicians more frequently than those who don’t play an instrument.

The home is the main setting for arts participation - The home is the predominant setting for Ontarians engaging in music, dance and visual arts/crafts/film. While traditional arts venues (like theatre or concert facilities and museums/galleries) remain common settings, much arts participation takes place in informal settings like parks and outdoor spaces, bars/nightclubs, community centres and places of worship.

Online participation is a central aspect of the arts participation of younger adults. For example, 75 per cent of Ontarians age 18 to 34 download music at least once a year or more. In addition, Ontarians ages 18 to 34 are twice as likely to be engaged in personal practice activities, such as playing a musical instrument, as those over 65.

Arts engagement is multi-faceted and widespread – virtually all Ontarians take part in arts activities of some sort – 98 per cent of Ontarians engage at least once a year in music activities; 98 per cent engage in visual arts, crafts or film activities; and 64 per cent of Ontarians participate at least once a year in theatre activities.

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