Показатель идеального общества
doktor_killer — 16.06.2012 Родители прощаются с умирающим ребенком. Медицинский персонал кланяется, потому что менее чем через два часа, благодаря почке и печени этой маленькой девочки будет спасена жизнь другого ребенка."Daddy wasn't able to take care of you!" her sobbing father constantly repeated, knowing it was his last chance to see his daughter. From birth she was diagnosed with hypoxic–ischemic cerebral palsy, leaving her with an under–developed body and chronic pain. She spent more time in the hospital than her kindergarten. The parents were in pain as she passed away quietly. "Rather than let my daughter become ashes, let her organs save other children" Speaking to reporters, Mother Wang Xiaofei explained that her daughter was named Hope, for the help she needed to live. After a surgery of over an hour to remove the organs, pilots quickly transferred them from Chifeng City Hospital, Inner Mongolia to Tianjin. As of press time, Tianjin First Central Hospital received news that the small "Hope" of these donated organs has been successfully transplanted to the two Tianjin children, who are currently in recovery. Organ Donation Coordinator Deng of the city's Red Cross welcomes the "Hope" brought to Chifeng City, and thanks donors of all age and sexes that have brought their own hope to Inner Mongolia.
"Hope" saved two lives, and two families. "I hope," her mother cried and told reporters that she hopes the families were able to regain hope for themselves, "hope" for this world, and she hopes that her daughter is happy to continue living in another way.(Reporter: Haiming Ma Xuesong Yu–chiao)
мне влом писать перевод, пардоньте. ППрописан гипоксический церебральный паралич, при котором ребенок обречен на хронические боли
я считаю, что только высокоразвитое общество и совершенный человек способны на такие поступки. Жаль, что в роисе до этого никогда и никто не доживет....
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