Набор метеоритов с "Клубнички" - заключительная серия

топ 100 блогов kosmetichka07.05.2010 Итак!
Посколько письмо отсылала я, со своего адреса, ответ пришел мне. Но он относится ко всем, кто прислал нам с Набор метеоритов с veoral свои данные (имена и номера заказов).

Dear All,

My name is Andrew and I"m the Chief Operating Officer for StrawberryNet.com and I am writing to you with regards to an email we recently received about the Guerlain Meteorites Mini product that you recently purchased from us.

I would like to address all of the issues raised in the original email - which if you did not see, a copy is listed below for your reference - but first of all I would like to apologise for the unfortunate occurrence that you"ve had with us. It is never our intention to provide a low quality experience to our customers and for this I apologise.

With regards to the main issue, namely the authenticity of the Guerlain Meteorites Minis, we stand by our guarantee that we only sell 100% genuine products. We source only from reputable suppliers and each shipment that we receive undergoes strict and thorough quality control checks before being allowed into our warehouse. Naturally, we cannot open and check every single product in every single shipment, but I am satisfied that our procedures are effective at capturing almost all potential problems before we allow a product to be sold.

I have, in fact, been down in our warehouse this morning and opened several packages of the Guerlain Meteorites Miniatures Collection in order to check them personally, and I have to say that the ones that were opened were all of a very high quality.

That said, I cannot rule out the possibility that the shipment contains some problems and certainly a claim as large as the one you have presented causes us great concern. As we are dedicated to good customer service, I would be happy to offer you all a refund for amount of the Guerlain Meterorites Miniature Collection that you purchased and this will be refunded to the various payment methods that each of you used. We will arrange to do this over the next few days and you will each receive separate notifications when your refund has been processed.

While the email from Guerlain is correct in that we are not an authorized distributor, we only source genuine products from established and trustworthy suppliers. Your satisfaction and the long term success of our business depends on it and I can"t emphasize this enough or how seriously we take this.

We are checking with our supplier now, but my guess at this stage, is that the shipment we received contained some items that contained manufacturing defects, such as the spelling / packaging mistakes you ecountered and these were passed on to us. Once we"ve determined if this is the case, this information will be listed against the product on the website and the price will be significantly marked down to reflect that. Once again, I assure you that the products are genuine and we stand by that guarantee.

One final note about product expiry dates. We know that when questioned - all cosmetics manufacturers give a very long life to all of their products and once products are received by us they are stored in a temperature controlled warehouse. Regrettably, it is sometimes the case that product is not stored properly prior to our receiving it and sometimes numerous shipping and flights can change the colour / consistency of products. However, the number of complaints we receive about expired product is such a very very small percentage of our overall order volume that we consider it no more than isolated incidents.

I hope that this explanation is enough to put your minds at ease. Many of you are loyal, long term customers and we would certainly hate to lose you and we will happily refund you for the trouble you"ve had with us.

If you have any further questions or comments, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Eldon
Chief Operating Officer
StrawberryNet - The Fresh Cosmetic Company

Для тех, кто не может прочитать, главное - деньги всем вернут. В ближайшие дни каждый из тридцати шести человек, чьи данные были внесены нами в письмо, получит уведомление на электронный адрес, который он указывал на сайте.

От себя добавлю - девушки! Никогда не стесняйтесь указывать на плохое качество продукта или сомнения по поводу его подлинности, будь то "Рив Гош", или интернет-магазин. Сайт потратил на проверку продукции и консультации гораздо больше времени, чем мы с Набор метеоритов с veoral - на составление текста и сбор данных.
Так и должно быть, пока мы платим им деньги.

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