Мосина считается одной из самых точных винтовок в мире и по сей день

топ 100 блогов potsreotizm18.01.2015
Мосина считается одной из самых точных винтовок в мире и по сей день
мишка зубарев
2 месяца назад

M16 - Under the magnifying glass melts butt.
AK-47 - Under the magnifying glass, you can see still work together lubrication Vietnamese mud.
Mosin - Under the magnifying glass you can see the impregnated wood krovischu.

M16 - does not work when dirty.
AK-47 - Works when dirty.
Mosin - was not clean receipt to the troops in 1892.

M16 - Hundreds of moving parts held together by dozens of bolts and screws.
AK-47 - A couple dozen moving parts, held a handful of rivets and seams ugly drunk Russian welder.
Mosin - three moving parts, the two screws.

M16 - You are going to die, what will break this dorogushchuju rifle in melee.
AK-47 - Your machine can be a good fight back in melee.
Mosin - Your rifle is a cool spear with the ability to shoot.

M16 - If the striker breaks down, you recover the rifle to the factory warranty.
AK-47- If the striker breaks, you buy a new one.
Mosin - If the striker breaks down, you spin it for a couple of turns on a shutter.

M16 - it is difficult to manufacture than some airplanes.
AK-47 - used by countries that do not have money for airplanes.
Mosin - From it shot down the aircraft.

M16 - Favorite drink holder - whiskey.
AK-47 - Favourite drink holder - vodka.
Mosin - Favorite drink holder - brake fluid, fused on the frozen scrap.

M16 - Make a small hole carefully in accordance with the Geneva Convention.
AK-47 - Makes a big hole, sometimes tears off a limb, does not meet the Geneva Convention.
Mosin - One of the reasons for the creation of the Geneva Convention.

M16 - Great shoots of small rodents.
AK-47 - Great shoot the enemies of the motherland.
Mosin - Great shoots an easy armor.

M16 - Once in the river, stops working.
AK-47 - Once in the river, still shoots.
Mosin - Once in the river, usually used as a paddle.

M16 - podstvol'nika heavy, but can put a grenade through the window of the 200 meters.
AK-47 - If anything, the grenade from the grenade launcher can be thrown out the window by hand.
Mosin - What grenade? Bay through a wall, chuck punches almost meter brick.

M16 - You can put a silencer, a small cartridge makes a lot of noise.
AK-47 - In principle you can put a silencer, but better to just push the enemy to the ground continuous fire.
Mosin - what silencer when, after the first shot all in any deaf?

M16 - Weapon Defense.
AK-47 - Weapon attack.
Mosin - Weapons of Victory !!!

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