Исчерпывающе про резолюцию Европарламента

топ 100 блогов varjag2007su20.09.2019 Исчерпывающе про резолюцию Европарламента:

Исчерпывающе про резолюцию Европарламента

В  этом документе коммунизм приравнен к нацизму (то же самое с символикой обоих - запретить) и пишут, что нацизм и коммунизм совместно развязали 2-ю мировую войну.

Предпоследний пункт в законодательном порядке оговаривает, что нигде в Европе не должно быть никаких парков, аллей, памятников, прославляющих советскую армию, которая оккупировала все эти страны и чтобы не искажать исторические факты о причинах, прохождении и последствиях Второй Мировой Войны. Читайте с 9 по 16 пункты ниже (идёт перечисление дней памяти, которые европарламент требует установить по всему ЕС):
"9. Reminds all Member States to commemorate 23 August as European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism at both EU and national level, and to raise the younger generation’s awareness of these issues by including the history and analysis of the consequences of totalitarian regimes in the curricula and textbooks of all schools in the EU;
10. Calls, furthermore, for 25 May (the anniversary of the execution of the Auschwitz hero Rotamaster Witold Pilecki) to be established as International Day of Heroes of the Fight against Totalitarianism, which will be an expression of respect and a tribute to all those who, by fighting tyranny, demonstrated their heroism and true love for mankind, and will also provide future generations with a clear example of the correct attitude to take in the face of the threat of totalitarian enslavement;
11. Calls on the Commission to provide effective support for projects of historic memory and remembrance in the Member States and for the activities of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience, and to allocate adequate financial resources under the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme to support commemoration and remembrance of the victims of totalitarianism; stresses that future generations should have access to factual educational materials which emphasise the dire consequences of passivity in the face of serious violations of international laws and norms;
12. Points out that while the Eastern and Central European countries returned to the European family of free democratic countries with their accession to the EU and NATO, the European peace and integration project will not be complete until all European countries that have chosen the path of European reforms, such as Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, become full Members of the EU: only then will Europe be whole, free, united and at peace;
13. Is deeply concerned about the efforts of the current Russian leadership to distort historical facts and whitewash crimes committed by the Soviet totalitarian regime and considers them a dangerous component of the information war waged against democratic Europe that aims to divide Europe, and therefore calls on the Commission to decisively counteract these efforts;
14. Draws attention to the continued use of symbols of the Soviet regime in the public sphere and for commercial purposes and recalls that a number of European countries have banned the use of both Nazi and communist symbols;
15. Points out that the crimes committed by the totalitarian communist regime of the USSR cannot be excused or exonerated by its contribution to the defeat of the Nazi regime; stresses at the same time that it is unacceptable for the Russian Federation to adopt legislation penalising anybody who tries to analyse the events of the Second World War from a new point of view;
16. Notes that the continued existence in public spaces in some Member States of monuments and memorials (parks, squares, streets etc.) glorifying the Soviet army, which occupied these countries , paves the way for the distortion of historical facts about the causes, course and consequences of the Second World War;"

Вот ссылка http://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/RC-9-2019-0097_EN.html

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