геймдизайнеров клонов псто

топ 100 блогов world_of_ru14.06.2012
Кто не смотрел поясняю: картошка решила брать количеством.
Если тут будет мимо пробегать кто-то из квг пусть тогда расскажет чем они занимаются.
Ваши варианты какие?

Game designer

A game designer is a person who designs gameplay, conceiving and designing the rules and structure of a game.Many designers start their career in testing departments, where mistakes by others can be seen first-hand.

  • Lead designer coordinates the work of other designers and is the main visionary of the game. Lead designer ensures team communication, makes large design decisions, and presents design outside of the team. Often the lead designer is technically and artistically astute. Keeping well-presented documentation also falls within the lead designer responsibilities. Lead designer may be the founder of a game development company or may be sent by the publisher, if the game's concept is provided by the publisher.
  • Level designer or environment designer is a position becoming prominent in the recent years. Level designer is the person responsible for creating game environment,levels, and missions.
  • Writer is a person often employed part-time to conceive game's narrative, dialogue, commentary, cutscene narrative, journals, video game packaging content, hint system, etc. It is the responsibility of the writer to collaborate with primary designers to seamlessly place this content into the game, creating immersion, avoiding repetition, providing feedback, etc. Writing for games involves a different set of skills from those for traditional works, such as novels or screenplays, as the writer must collaborate with the other designers during the writing process.
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_design
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World design is the creation of a backstory, setting, and theme for the game; often done by a lead designer.
System design is the creation of game rules and underlying mathematical patterns.
Content design is the creation of characters, items, puzzles, and missions.
Game writing involves writing dialogue, text, and story.
Level design is the construction of world levels and its features.
User interface designer constructs the user interactions and feedback interface, like menus or heads-up displays.

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Архив записей в блогах:
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