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discontinued product или снято с производства

топ 100 блогов grand_damme24.07.2011  
 will never use another body wash again. I am a 33 year old male that has a distinct nose for extraordinary fragrances. I want to share with others a personal story about Neutrogena Rainbath Original. When I was a child in the early 80s, I would sneak into my parents bathroom for cologne, soap, shampoo, conditioner, powder...anything that smelled good. One particular day, I came across this amber gel that I thought was the best smelling thing in the world. Unfortunately, my parents never bought it again. I remember thinking to myself that once I became a young man, that is how I would want to smell. Years later as a 19 year old in college, I would randomly look for that amber gel and never could find it or remember the brand or purpose (shampoo, conditioner, body wash.) I had been wanting to try a more herbal fragrance lately and noticed a 16oz amber bottle of Neutrogena Rainshower shower gel at the local WalMart. I smelled it, and it immediately took me back to that childhood moment, which was a pleasant and obviously memorable moment in my life, because that scent never left my mind. Despite it being a bigger quantity and higher price, I bought it. After my first use, I am hooked for life, which speaks volumes of this product!
I will say that I am unfortunately a jinx when it comes to products that I love. I beg you, if there is ever the thought of discontinuing this product and formula, please inform me, and I can help you save it. I will create a Facebook page and personally campaign to market this without any expectation of compensation. This particular body was goes in the ranks of classic fragrances like Chanel, Shalimar and Cool Water. It's a formula that should never be changed or discontinued. Unilever use to make this set of Axe Proximity Basenotes body sprays: Amber, Vetiver and Bergamot that would've complimented this well. They were excellent and truly the best in the market, despite the low price and literally no advertising for those particular three sprays. Unfortunately, they discontinued that product without informing loyal buyers and despite rave reviews. This product does not have to suffer the same fate. Again, it is worth every penny I paid, and I will exclusively use this body wash for as long as it is available, which I hope is throughout my lifetime.
Please do not change the formula or discontinue this product. Contact buyers, and we will help you save this. I smell amazing, and this scent makes me feel sensual and happy. That is a gift for a body wash to do that, especially one that has been around for decades. You have a winner. Do not ever let a product like this go without a good fight. Best Body Wash Ever!

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  absolutely love this body oil. The light sesame formula is amazing. I have been using it for almost 20 years. It is getting more difficult to find in my area (Rochester, NY). Once I find it I buy as many as possible so I can stock up. It leaves my skin feeling fresh and clean. Not to mention the compliments I get from others on how great I smell! PLEASE DON'T STOP MAKING THIS PRODUCT! Thanks.  
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Great product please do not discontinue. I was scared, i thought it was discontinued
Have used Neurogena body oil over 30 years but had to stop using it because it no longer smells as good as it used to. Please consider using old formula for the fragrance (it was muskier) and you will get me back....

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