давай закурим, товарищ, по одной

топ 100 блогов torontoru27.06.2017 два месяца назад я, раздосадованный беспомощностью против соседского курения, написал канадскому министру здравоохранения вопрос о том, что они делают или собираются делать супротив такой напасти.

честно говоря, через пару недель подумал, что подобные запросы, будучи оформлены не в соответствии каким-то там правилам, просто летят в треш.

ан, нет! жив курилка! работает, стало быть, система! контора пишет:

Dear Mr. Voytsekhovskiy,

Thank you for your email of April 22, 2017, addressed to the Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Health, concerning second-hand smoke. I have been asked to respond on the Minister’s behalf. I apologize for the delay in responding.

Health Canada shares your concerns regarding exposure to second-hand smoke and considers it to be a very important issue. Exposure to second-hand smoke is a potential danger to health and should be avoided as much as possible, as there is no safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke. The Government of Canada has taken steps to address the issue of second-hand smoke and where people can smoke, with a number of policy and regulatory initiatives, including the Non-smokers’ Health Act and educational efforts. This Act, governed by Employment and Social Development Canada, addresses the issue of second-hand smoke in areas within the Government of Canada’s jurisdiction, such as federally regulated workplaces including banks, commercial aircraft and federal government offices.

Legislation related to exposure to second-hand smoke in most other public and private places, including multi-unit dwellings, falls within provincial, territorial and municipal jurisdictions. As such, you may also wish to raise your concern with your provincial and local municipal governments.

For Quebec:
· Telephone: 1-877-416-8222
· Email: [email protected]

For the City of Montréal – Verdun office:
· Telephone: 311
· Email: [email protected]

To help Canadians make their homes and cars smoke-free, Health Canada has developed a collection of resources entitled "Make your Home and Car Smoke-free", which includes a guide on exposure to second-hand smoke in multi-unit dwellings. The resources are available at https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/smoking-tobacco/avoid-second-hand-smoke/second-hand-smoke.html

The Government of Canada is committed to achieving a radical reduction in tobacco use in Canada by driving use down to less than 5% by 2035. This commitment will focus long-term federal action and help to mobilize all Canadians to fight tobacco use. The Government will collaborate with partners and stakeholders to meet this aggressive target. This includes working with all levels of governments. Ideas on how to further protect Canadians from the harms associated with tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke are being considered.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to share your views on this important issue.

Yours sincerely,

Sonia Johnson
Acting Director General
Tobacco Control Directorate
Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch
Health Canada

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