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Berger, Berenson and the fur coats

топ 100 блогов ratoncillo10.12.2024

So great. Два совершенно культовых персонажа - великая любовь, даже Делона переплюнул и Галатея Лукино Висконти (божественный (при Висконти, потом все) Бергер) и легендарная Мариса Беренсон, не просто актриса, а ещё и внучка Великой Эльзы Скиапарелли (во многом и поэтому культовая уже фигура - и актриса, и модель, ибо там такие имена и порода по обеим линиям... Сен- Лоран называл ее "идеальной девушкой 70х", а Кубрик, Висконти и Фосси абы с кем никогда не работали... Какие красивые, эстетские и наполненные смыслами были самые-самые персонажи 70х!
In the early 1970s, Villa Borghese in Rome became the perfect backdrop for an iconic photograph of Marisa Berenson and Helmut Berger, captured by the legendary Elisabetta Catalano. This moment of effortless elegance shows the pair strolling through the park, exuding the signature style of the '70s—luxurious yet relaxed, cool yet sophisticated. Marisa Berenson, a renowned model and actress, was one of the era's most influential fashion icons, frequently gracing the covers of magazines such as Vogue. Helmut Berger, a striking actor known for his roles in Italian cinema, often embodied the same blend of beauty and bravado. The photograph immortalizes the carefree spirit of the time, encapsulating the distinctive flair and swagger that defined the fashion and cultural landscape of the 1970s. With their fur coats and sophisticated presence, they are the embodiment of a specific cultural moment that resonated deeply with the high-society jet-set and fashion elite. At that time, fur was seen as a symbol of status and refinement, a fashion statement that aligned with the opulence of the era. While today, debates about animal rights have changed the way we view fur, it's important to consider these vintage images within the historical context they were created. In the 1970s, the concept of environmental and animal rights awareness was still in its infancy, and fur was simply another luxury item. These photos, like the one of Berenson and Berger in Villa Borghese, showcase a bygone era where the glitz of fashion took center stage, and the ethical concerns we hold today hadn't yet become the cultural conversation they are now. To appreciate the image fully, it’s essential to view it with the understanding that these iconic photos are relics of a different time. The timeless allure of these photos isn't diminished by modern sensibilities but rather enhanced by our ability to reflect on how much culture and values have evolved. The moment captured by Catalano in the park is as much about the visual appeal—the rich textures, the fashionable coats, and the effortless charm of Berenson and Berger—as it is about the cultural and societal vibes of the '70s. Today, we can admire the photo for its aesthetic beauty and the star power of its subjects without necessarily endorsing the lifestyle it represents. The key to enjoying vintage aesthetics lies in appreciating them as a snapshot of history, evoking nostalgia for a time when style was lived out in full swagger.

Berger, Berenson and the fur coats

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