Проект обращения в штаб-квартиру Red Wing

топ 100 блогов t_itanium24.10.2013 Как знают поклонники Ред Вингов, местные барыги пролоббировали запрет на шиппинг продукции Red Wing в РФ. И нескольким магазинам уже запретили шиппить в РФ. Хотя запрещать всем задолбаются. Тем не менее, есть основания полагать, что пьянь и дебоширы из Code 7 наврали в головном офисе Вингов с три короба.
Поэтому предлагаю направить в офис Red Wing коллективное обращение, можно, например, оформленное в виде петиции на Change.
Проект обращения любезно подготовил Дмитрий. Просьба оставлять свои пожелания в комментах.

Dear Red Wing Shoes,
We were really disappointed with your recent decision to cease shipping of Red Wing Shoes from some European internet-stores, in particular Cultizm and Meadow. Here is the excerpt from the mail from Meadow regarding the Red Wing order:
…We are really, really sorry to inform you that we can't send Red Wing Shoes to Russia anymore. I have had a lot of discussions with Red Wing to get your order sent but due to distribution rights we are not allowed to send Red Wing to Russia anymore. We are really, really sorry for this…
We are the part of Russian internet-shopping community that shares the experience in internet shopping and promotes honest attitude to shops and traders. We make comparisons of prices and customer service between offline and online stores, Russian and foreign ones, and unfortunately comparison is not in favor of Russia-based stores.
We understand that you are free to set your own sales policy, but we would like to highlight some points:
·         Internet customers and offline customers are two different segments of the market. Internet buyers make purchases around the world, they compare prices and they will never go to offline store to buy shoes for 40% greater price (40% is not an overstatement, it’s true). It’s not about the value of the product, it’s about the difference in price policy.
·         Red Wing shoes are not a basic necessity, i.e. customers are willing to wait some time while package arrives – there is no impulse purchase for your shoes for internet customers.
·         There are a lot of shops that still ship Red Wing to Russia, and of course there always will be eBay – there is no problem to buy shoes there.
Thus, by limiting the shipping in particular shops, you make problems for these shops only. If the customer would like to buy shoes for reasonable price in a shop with adequate customer service, he will do it, or will switch another shoes brand. We strongly encourage you to lift shipping restrictions from shops mentioned above or any other ones.
Best regards,

Community @ t-itanium.livejournal.com

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