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топ 100 блогов amazing_andrew — 24.08.2012 первые фото )
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Andrew Scott at #MGEITF #Sherlock pic.twitter.com/fV2lhK5v

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Team #Sherlock at #MGEITF pic.twitter.com/Okal4aA7

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The #Sherlock team are here! Moffat, Gatiss, Sue and Andrew Scott take the stage! #edtvfest pic.twitter.com/nnhIW0BP
https://twitter.com/digitalspy @digitalspy

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Talking Sherlock at #edtvfest, @MarkGatiss and Andrew Scott (Moriarty!) http://twitpic.com/an6o0t @MichaelRosser

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Nu om hur de byggde ihop första och andra säsongen. Andrew Scott ser sig själv. #svtmg pic.twitter.com/JBfTrUMK ок. я даже не уверена, какой это язык, простите )

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Andrew Scott being interviewed #Sherlock pic.twitter.com/6UTeNcSa

15:43 Steven also reveals that he was surprised by how much fan expectation there was for Moriarty prior to the character's debut - they didn't realise that the general public knew about the villain.

15:46 Andrew Scott - who's a lovely man in real life, promise - talks his casting as Moriarty. "It was important that, because I wouldn't be obvious casting, that you don't do an obvious copy-cat version of someone else's villain. It was a little audacious."

15:47 Scott also admits he's aware that some viewers were a little unsure of his take on Moriarty after only glimpsing him briefly in the first series finale. "You stole the show," Moffat insists.

15:47 Andrew reveals that he was "absolutely terrified" about messing up his part, after noting the early affection for Sherlock from the UK public.

15:49 The Irish actor reveals that he looked at Twitter to see what people thought of his performance and read some "unforgettable" comments - some positive, some not. He compares the experience to being "kissed... then punched... then hugged..."

16:16 Andrew Scott refuses to confirm if he'll return as Moriarty in a third series, but admits that he knows how Sherlock survived too. Cheeky!

16:19 And here's what we've been waiting for - the three words that describe the episodes of Sherlock series three - Rat, Wedding, Bow. That's RAT. WEDDING. BOW. What does it mean?! Get Googling!

16:19 Series three will shoot in January - that much we already know - and will probably air in the autumn of 2013, Sue Vertue confirms.

16:28 How has Sherlock been received abroad? Mark Gatiss names Russia and the Far East as territories that have always been obsessed with Conan Doyle's stories.

16:35 On that slightly sombre note, the panel comes to a close! Hope you enjoyed this Sherlock live-blog - series three in mid-to-late 2013, people!

"It was the greatest lesson that I've ever learned" laughs Andrew Scott about reading online reviews. #Sherlock

Andrew Scott compares reading to Twitter to "walking in a room and then being punched, being kissed and being hugged" ##Sherlock #edtvfest

Andrew Scott: I don't think anyone thought I was the obvious choice to play Moriarty. #edtvfest

Mark Gatiss: Andrew brought something dangerous to Moriarty. The sense you'll be having a charming conversation then he'll slit your throat.

Andrew Scott: People had an immediate affection for Sherlock - it made me terrified. One doesn't watch oneself and think: 'That's brilliant'

Andrew Scott: Moriarty is dead. Mark Gatiss: unless we decide to bring him back. Teasing us! #Sherlock #edtvfest OMFG!!!

Steven Moffat: there are loads of other villains to explore in Sherlock #edtvfest

Andrew Scott: I once got sent a home-made tea bag. It was so creative, beautifully made. #Sherlock

Andrew Scott says he looked online for comments on his performance and read the most unforgettable things! #Sherlock

Andrew Scott says he hasn't signed up for series 3 and he knows the ending to the cliffhanger #Sherlock

ВСЕ, друзья. Sherlock session... Over.

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