Немного статистики думающим свалить в Австралию

топ 100 блогов pora_valit31.05.2014 Наркотики.
Australia's illicit drug trade is at an all-time high, with a record number of drug-related arrests in 2012-2013, according to the latest report from the Australian Crime Commission (ACC).

The commission's Illicit Drug Data report says law enforcement officials seized $2.7 billion worth of illicit drugs last financial year.

A record 100,000 arrests were made, and there were 80,000 seizures of illicit drugs.

More than 19 tonnes of drugs were seized by police and border patrol agents.

While 2012-13 was a record year that saw increases in almost every drug market, the number of drug labs found nationwide decreased.

Australia facing crystal meth 'pandemic'
The figures show a disturbing trend of methamphetamine use in Australia, with the number of "ice" seizures up more than 300 per cent in one year.

Проблемы Австралии глазами австралийцев.
When asked about the most important problem facing Australia, Economic & Financial issues are named by 39% of Australians (down 1% since October 2013). This includes the Economy, Economic problems and Interest Rates 12% (down 2%), Unemployment 11% (up 2%) – now at its equal record highest since this survey began in 2005, Poverty and the Gap between the rich and poor 4% (up 1%), Foreign Ownership and Investment 2% (up 1%) and Housing affordability 2% (unchanged). In this latest survey no respondents mentioned the Carbon Tax.

A group of issues labelled Religion/ Immigration/ Human Rights are named by 16% (down 1%) of Australians including the related policy issues of Refugees and Asylum seeker problems 9% (unchanged) and Immigration/ Immigration policy 2% (down 1%). Also mentioned were Aboriginal Issues/ Health/ Rights 2% (up 1%). In addition, the issue of Politics and Leadership was named by 11% (up 3%) as the most important problem facing Australia.

Some 11% of Australians mentioned a Social Issue as the most important problem facing Australia. The two most important Social Issues mentioned were Education 3% (unchanged) and Social apathy/ Family breakdown/ Selfishness/ Moral decline 3% (up 1%).

Environmental issues are mentioned by just 10% (down 3%) of Australians as the most important problem facing Australia. The most important Environmental Issues mentioned are Climate Change/ Global Warming 6% (down 3%) and Other Environmental issues 3% (up 1%).

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