Лосось или кто там еще...

топ 100 блогов mininuke28.05.2010 "Заведующий политическим отделом Комитета обороны КНДР Пак Рим Су заявил сегодня, что в его стране вообще нет подводных лодок класса "Лосось" 130 тонн, с одной из которых, как утверждается, была выпущена торпеда по южнокорейскому корвету "Чхонан" в Желтом море 26 марта.
В заключении международной комиссии, созданной военными Южной Кореи, Северная Корея обвиняется в уничтожении корвета с подлодки класса "Лосось" (130 тонн)."

Почитаем обзор ВМС КНДР отюдова: http://planeman-bluffersguide.blogspot.com/2009/12/bluffers-guide-north-korean-naval-power.html

"North Korean Submarine Fleet

’P-4’ type midget sub

Лосось или кто там еще...

Dimensions: L 29m, Displacement: 190t
Armament: 2 x 533mm (21’’) torpedo tubes (not fitted in infiltration version)

Another improved midget submarine design, the P-4 is smaller than the Sang-O but also seemingly more advanced. It features an unusual co-axle twin propeller consisting of a large skewed propeller and a much smaller conventional propeller; this arrangement is believed to be an attempt to reduce the submarine’s noise signature.

An example of this type of submarine was captured during an infiltration mission in 1998 and subsequently put into service with the South Korean Navy emphasizing the build quality of the boat. Interestingly the sensors of the captured boat, including the sonar, were of Japanese origin."

Однако вроде как на ее основе в Иране была создана ПЛ водоизмещением 120(!) тонн.

Источник: http://planeman-bluffersguide.blogspot.com/2007/03/bluffers-guide-to-iranian-naval-power.html

"Ghadir Class Midget Submarine

Лосось или кто там еще...

Quantity in Service: 5+ (3 min)
Dimensions: L 29m, W 2.75m
Displacement : 120 tons dived
Crew: ?
Endurance: ?
Speed (est): 11kts surfaced, 8kts submerged
Powerplant: Diesel-electric

Armament: 2 x 533mm (21”) torpedo tubes with 2 torpedoes, Skhval rocket torpedoes or ~4 mines. Possibly submarine launched anti-ship missiles but unsubstantiated.

Of North Korean design, the IS-120 Ghadir (Qadir) submarine closely resembles the North Korean “P-4 Class”.

Some models of the Ghadir appear to have conventional cruciform tail fins with conventional propeller instead of the North Korean sub’s unconventional control plane arrangement and co-axel twin propeller. Photos of a production boat however show the unusual under-tail hydroplane position as per the North Korean boats. The coaxil twin props of the P-4 is replaced by a single skewed skrew in the usual place, plus a small ducted skrew mounted above, possible steerable. The exact reasoning for the two propellers is not clear but it is likely that the smaller one is intended for slow/quite running and counter-drift. Its mast and unusual snorkel (which folds backwards into the hull -casing when not in use) is almost identical however. It is possible that there are several iterations of boat with varying tail arrangements and snort-mast stowage (some appear to remain above the deck when folded).

Another charactristic which has yet to be explained is a small container mounted externally on the forward deck just ahead of the sail. This resembles an oil drum. One guess might be compressed gas.

Estimates of the size of this submarine vary greatly but video evidence confirms that there's barely enough room to stand up in the hull.

These boats are credible littoral submarines well suited to mine laying, infiltration/Special Forces operation and limited anti-surface warfare. Their torpedo tubes could conceivably carry the Shkval rocket torpedo or even submarine launched anti-ship missiles which Iran reportedly has. But their sensor fit is almost certainly basic by contemporary standards limiting their potential against other subs and advanced warships. There is also no reason to suppose that they are particularly quiet, with no signs of raft-mounting for the engines, or accustic tiling, and the shallow water of the Gulf is likely to leave them exposed to anti-submarine warfare.

Google Earth imagery shows a single midget sub moored in Bandar-e Abbas port in 2005, although this looks more like a Nahong class sub to me. In 2008 imagery there are four submarines however:

Лосось или кто там еще...

Вроде подходит, но ПЛ иранская. Хотя уши КНДР в ее создании явно торчат.

Вот что пишут тут: http://planeman-bluffersguide.blogspot.com/2010/05/north-korean-sub-attack-details-start.html

"The attack was reportedly conducted by a previously unreported submarine type, but generally similar to the existing "P-4" class. The new class is essentially the DPRK in-service equivalent to the IS-120 Ghadir class exported to Iran and now locally produced there. " подробности и обоснования в блоге

Значит КНДР врет, и у них есть аналогичная иранской подлодка. Либо ошиблись сочинили южане в оценке водоизмещение/название....

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